( Generated Scanner

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 9 The Generated Scanner
 The output of `flex' is the file `lex.yy.c', which contains the
 scanning routine `yylex()', a number of tables used by it for matching
 tokens, and a number of auxiliary routines and macros.  By default,
 `yylex()' is declared as follows:
          int yylex()
              ... various definitions and the actions in here ...
    (If your environment supports function prototypes, then it will be
 `int yylex( void )'.)  This definition may be changed by defining the
 `YY_DECL' macro.  For example, you could use:
          #define YY_DECL float lexscan( a, b ) float a, b;
    to give the scanning routine the name `lexscan', returning a float,
 and taking two floats as arguments.  Note that if you give arguments to
 the scanning routine using a K&R-style/non-prototyped function
 declaration, you must terminate the definition with a semi-colon (;).
    `flex' generates `C99' function definitions by default. However flex
 does have the ability to generate obsolete, er, `traditional', function
 definitions. This is to support bootstrapping gcc on old systems.
 Unfortunately, traditional definitions prevent us from using any
 standard data types smaller than int (such as short, char, or bool) as
 function arguments.  For this reason, future versions of `flex' may
 generate standard C99 code only, leaving K&R-style functions to the
 historians.  Currently, if you do *not* want `C99' definitions, then
 you must use `%option noansi-definitions'.
    Whenever `yylex()' is called, it scans tokens from the global input
 file `yyin' (which defaults to stdin).  It continues until it either
 reaches an end-of-file (at which point it returns the value 0) or one
 of its actions executes a `return' statement.
    If the scanner reaches an end-of-file, subsequent calls are undefined
 unless either `yyin' is pointed at a new input file (in which case
 scanning continues from that file), or `yyrestart()' is called.
 `yyrestart()' takes one argument, a `FILE *' pointer (which can be
 NULL, if you've set up `YY_INPUT' to scan from a source other than
 `yyin'), and initializes `yyin' for scanning from that file.
 Essentially there is no difference between just assigning `yyin' to a
 new input file or using `yyrestart()' to do so; the latter is available
 for compatibility with previous versions of `flex', and because it can
 be used to switch input files in the middle of scanning.  It can also
 be used to throw away the current input buffer, by calling it with an
 argument of `yyin'; but it would be better to use `YY_FLUSH_BUFFER'
 ( Actions).  Note that `yyrestart()' does _not_ reset the start
 condition to `INITIAL' ( Start Conditions).
    If `yylex()' stops scanning due to executing a `return' statement in
 one of the actions, the scanner may then be called again and it will
 resume scanning where it left off.
    By default (and for purposes of efficiency), the scanner uses
 block-reads rather than simple `getc()' calls to read characters from
 `yyin'.  The nature of how it gets its input can be controlled by
 defining the `YY_INPUT' macro.  The calling sequence for `YY_INPUT()'
 is `YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size)'.  Its action is to place up to
 `max_size' characters in the character array `buf' and return in the
 integer variable `result' either the number of characters read or the
 constant `YY_NULL' (0 on Unix systems) to indicate `EOF'.  The default
 `YY_INPUT' reads from the global file-pointer `yyin'.
    Here is a sample definition of `YY_INPUT' (in the definitions
 section of the input file):
          #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
              { \
              int c = getchar(); \
              result = (c == EOF) ? YY_NULL : (buf[0] = c, 1); \
    This definition will change the input processing to occur one
 character at a time.
    When the scanner receives an end-of-file indication from YY_INPUT, it
 then checks the `yywrap()' function.  If `yywrap()' returns false
 (zero), then it is assumed that the function has gone ahead and set up
 `yyin' to point to another input file, and scanning continues.  If it
 returns true (non-zero), then the scanner terminates, returning 0 to
 its caller.  Note that in either case, the start condition remains
 unchanged; it does _not_ revert to `INITIAL'.
    If you do not supply your own version of `yywrap()', then you must
 either use `%option noyywrap' (in which case the scanner behaves as
 though `yywrap()' returned 1), or you must link with `-lfl' to obtain
 the default version of the routine, which always returns 1.
    For scanning from in-memory buffers (e.g., scanning strings), see
  Scanning Strings.  Multiple Input Buffers.
    The scanner writes its `ECHO' output to the `yyout' global (default,
 `stdout'), which may be redefined by the user simply by assigning it to
 some other `FILE' pointer.
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