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 13.1.4 `INSERT' Syntax
          [INTO] TBL_NAME [(COL_NAME,...)]
          VALUES ({EXPR | DEFAULT},...),(...),...
          [INTO] TBL_NAME
          SET COL_NAME={EXPR | DEFAULT}, ...
          [INTO] TBL_NAME [(COL_NAME,...)]
          SELECT ...
 `INSERT' inserts new rows into an existing table.  The `INSERT ...
 VALUES' and `INSERT ... SET' forms of the statement insert rows based
 on explicitly specified values.  The `INSERT ... SELECT' form inserts
 rows selected from another table or tables.  The `INSERT ... VALUES'
 form with multiple value lists is supported in MySQL 3.22.5 or later.
 The `INSERT ... SET' syntax is supported in MySQL 3.22.10 or later.
 `INSERT ... SELECT' is discussed further in  `INSERT SELECT'
 TBL_NAME is the table into which rows should be inserted. The columns
 for which the statement provides values can be specified as follows:
    * The column name list or the `SET' clause indicates the columns
    * If you do not specify the column list for `INSERT ... VALUES' or
      `INSERT ... SELECT', values for every column in the table must be
      provided in the `VALUES()' list or by the `SELECT'.  If you don't
      know the order of the columns in the table, use `DESCRIBE
      TBL_NAME' to find out.
 Column values can be given in several ways:
    * If you are not running in strict mode, any column not explicitly
      given a value is set to its default (explicit or implicit) value.
      For example, if you specify a column list that doesn't name all
      the columns in the table, unnamed columns are set to their default
      values.  Default value assignment is described in  `CREATE
      TABLE' CREATE TABLE.   constraint invalid data.
      If you want `INSERT' statements to generate an error unless you
      explicitly specify values for all columns that don't have a default
      value, you should use STRICT mode.  Server SQL mode.
    * You can use the keyword `DEFAULT' to explicitly set a column to its
      default value. (New in MySQL 4.0.3.)  This makes it easier to write
      `INSERT' statements that assign values to all but a few columns,
      because it allows you to avoid writing an incomplete `VALUES' list
      that does not include a value for each column in the table.
      Otherwise, you would have to write out the list of column names
      corresponding to each value in the `VALUES' list.
      As of MySQL 4.1.0, you can use `DEFAULT(COL_NAME)' as a more
      general form that can be used in expressions to produce a column's
      default value.
    * If both the column list and the `VALUES' list are empty, `INSERT'
      creates a row with each column set to its default value:
           mysql> INSERT INTO TBL_NAME () VALUES();
    * You can specify an expression EXPR to provide a column value.
      This might involve type conversion if the type of the expression
      does not match the type of the column, and conversion of a given
      value can result in different inserted values depending on the
      column type. For example, inserting the string `'1999.0e-2'' into
      an `INT', `FLOAT', `DECIMAL(10,6)', or `YEAR' column results in
      the values `1999', `19.9921', `19.992100', and `1999'. The reason
      the value stored in the `INT' and `YEAR' columns is `1999' is that
      the string-to-integer conversion looks only at as much of the
      initial part of the string as may be considered a valid integer or
      year. For the floating-point and fixed-point columns, the
      string-to-floating-point conversion considers the entire string as
      a valid floating-point value.
      An expression EXPR can refer to any column that was set earlier in
      a value list.  For example, you can do this because the value for
      `col2' refers to `col1', which has previously been assigned:
           mysql> INSERT INTO TBL_NAME (COL1,COL2) VALUES(15,COL1*2);
      But you cannot do this because the value for `col1' refers to
      `col2', which is assigned after `col1':
           mysql> INSERT INTO TBL_NAME (COL1,COL2) VALUES(COL2*2,15);
      One exception involves columns that contain `AUTO_INCREMENT'
      values.  Because the AUTO_INCREMENT value is generated after other
      value assignments, any reference to an AUTO_INCREMENT column in
      the assignment will return a 0.
 The `INSERT' statement supports the following modifiers:
    * If you specify the `DELAYED' keyword, the server puts the row or
      rows to be inserted into a buffer, and the client issuing the
      `INSERT DELAYED' statement then can continue on.  If the table is
      busy, the server holds the rows.  When the table becomes free, it
      begins inserting rows, checking periodically to see whether there
      are new read requests for the table. If there are, the delayed row
      queue is suspended until the table becomes free again.  
    * If you specify the `LOW_PRIORITY' keyword, execution of the
      `INSERT' is delayed until no other clients are reading from the
      table. This includes other clients that began reading while
      existing clients are reading, and while the `INSERT LOW_PRIORITY'
      statement is waiting. It is possible, therefore, for a client that
      issues an `INSERT LOW_PRIORITY' statement to wait for a very long
      time (or even forever) in a read-heavy environment.  (This is in
      contrast to `INSERT DELAYED', which lets the client continue at
      once.)   `INSERT DELAYED' INSERT DELAYED.  Note that
      `LOW_PRIORITY' should normally not be used with `MyISAM' tables
      because doing so disables concurrent inserts.   `MyISAM'
      storage engine MyISAM storage engine.  `LOW_PRIORITY' was added
      in MySQL 3.22.5.
    * If you specify the `HIGH_PRIORITY' keyword, it overrides the
      effect of the `--low-priority-updates' option if the server was
      started with that option. It also causes concurrent inserts not to
      be used. `HIGH_PRIORITY' was added in MySQL 3.23.11.
    * The rows-affected value for an `INSERT' can be obtained using the
      `mysql_affected_rows()' C API function.  
      `mysql_affected_rows()' mysql_affected_rows.
    * If you specify the `IGNORE' keyword in an `INSERT' statement,
      errors that occur while executing the statement are treated as
      warnings instead. For example, without `IGNORE', a row that
      duplicates an existing `UNIQUE' index or `PRIMARY KEY' value in
      the table causes a duplicate-key error and the statement is
      aborted. With `IGNORE', the error is ignored and the row is not
      inserted.  Data conversions that would trigger errors abort the
      statement if `IGNORE' is not specified.  With `IGNORE', invalid
      values are adjusted to the closest value values and inserted;
      warnings are produced but the statement does not abort.  You can
      determine with the `mysql_info()' C API function how many rows
      were inserted into the table.
 If you specify the `ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE' clause (new in MySQL
 4.1.0), and a row is inserted that would cause a duplicate value in a
 `UNIQUE' index or `PRIMARY KEY', an `UPDATE' of the old row is
 performed. For example, if column `a' is declared as `UNIQUE' and
 contains the value `1', the following two statements have identical
      mysql> INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
          -> ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=c+1;
      mysql> UPDATE table SET c=c+1 WHERE a=1;
 The rows-affected value is 1 if the row is inserted as a new record and
 2 if an existing record is updated.
 * If column `b' is unique too, the `INSERT' would be equivalent
 to this `UPDATE' statement instead:
      mysql> UPDATE table SET c=c+1 WHERE a=1 OR b=2 LIMIT 1;
 If `a=1 OR b=2' matches several rows, only _one_ row is updated! In
 general, you should try to avoid using the `ON DUPLICATE KEY' clause on
 tables with multiple `UNIQUE' keys.
 As of MySQL 4.1.1, you can use the `VALUES(col_name)' function in the
 `UPDATE' clause to refer to column values from the `INSERT' part of the
 `INSERT ... UPDATE' statement. In other words, `VALUES(col_name)' in
 the `UPDATE' clause refers to the value of COL_NAME that would be
 inserted if no duplicate-key conflict occurred. This function is
 especially useful in multiple-row inserts. The `VALUES()' function is
 meaningful only in `INSERT ... UPDATE' statements and returns `NULL'
      mysql> INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3),(4,5,6)
 That statement is identical to the following two statements:
      mysql> INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3)
          -> ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=3;
      mysql> INSERT INTO table (a,b,c) VALUES (4,5,6)
          -> ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE c=9;
 When you use `ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE', the `DELAYED' option is ignored.
 You can find the value used for an `AUTO_INCREMENT' column by using the
 `LAST_INSERT_ID()' function. From within the C API, use the
 `mysql_insert_id()' function.  However, note that the two functions do
 not behave quite identically under all circumstances.  The behavior of
 `INSERT' statements with respect to `AUTO_INCREMENT' columns is
 discussed further in  Information functions and 
 `mysql_insert_id()' mysql_insert_id.
 If you use an `INSERT ... VALUES' statement with multiple value lists
 or `INSERT ... SELECT', the statement returns an information string in
 this format:
      Records: 100 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
 `Records' indicates the number of rows processed by the statement.
 (This is not necessarily the number of rows actually inserted.
 `Duplicates' can be non-zero.)  `Duplicates' indicates the number of
 rows that couldn't be inserted because they would duplicate some
 existing unique index value.  `Warnings' indicates the number of
 attempts to insert column values that were problematic in some way.
 Warnings can occur under any of the following conditions:
    * Inserting `NULL' into a column that has been declared `NOT NULL'.
      For multiple-row `INSERT' statements or `INSERT ... SELECT'
      statements, the column is set to the default value appropriate for
      the column type.  This is `0' for numeric types, the empty string
      (`''') for string types, and the "zero" value for date and time
    * Setting a numeric column to a value that lies outside the column's
      range.  The value is clipped to the closest endpoint of the range.
    * Assigning a value such as `'10.34 a'' to a numeric column.  The
      trailing non-numeric text is stripped off and the remaining
      numeric part is inserted.  If the string value has no leading
      numeric part, the column is set to `0'.
    * Inserting a string into a string column (`CHAR', `VARCHAR',
      `TEXT', or `BLOB') that exceeds the column's maximum length.  The
      value is truncated to the column's maximum length.
    * Inserting a value into a date or time column that is illegal for
      the column type.  The column is set to the appropriate zero value
      for the type.
 If you are using the C API, the information string can be obtained by
 invoking the `mysql_info()' function.   `mysql_info()' mysql_info.


* INSERT SELECT               `INSERT ... SELECT' Syntax
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