( Problems with mysql

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 A.4.5 How to Protect or Change the MySQL Socket File `/tmp/mysql.sock'
 The default location for the Unix socket file that the server uses for
 communication with local clients is `/tmp/mysql.sock'.  This might
 cause problems, because on some versions of Unix, anyone can delete
 files in the `/tmp' directory.
 On most versions of Unix, you can protect your `/tmp' directory so that
 files can be deleted only by their owners or the superuser (`root').
 To do this, set the `sticky' bit on the `/tmp' directory by logging in
 as `root' and using the following command:
      shell> chmod +t /tmp
 You can check whether the `sticky' bit is set by executing `ls -ld
 /tmp'.  If the last permission character is `t', the bit is set.
 Another approach is to change the place where the server creates the
 Unix socket file. If you do this, you should also let client programs
 know the new location of the file.  You can specify the file location
 in several ways:
    * Specify the path in a global or local option file.  For example,
      put the following lines in `/etc/my.cnf':
       Option files.
    * Specify a `--socket' option on the command line to `mysqld_safe'
      and when you run client programs.
    * Set the `MYSQL_UNIX_PORT' environment variable to the path of the
      Unix socket file.
    * Recompile MySQL from source to use a different default Unix socket
      file location.  Define the path to the file with the
      `--with-unix-socket-path'  option when you run `configure'.  
      `configure' options configure options.
 You can test whether the new socket location works by attempting to
 connect to the server with this command:
      shell> mysqladmin --socket=/path/to/socket version
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