( Function and Variable Index

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 Function and Variable Index


* _rl_digit_p                           Utility Functions.   (line  46)
* _rl_digit_value                       Utility Functions.   (line  57)
* _rl_lowercase_p                       Utility Functions.   (line  43)
* _rl_to_lower                          Utility Functions.   (line  53)
* _rl_to_upper                          Utility Functions.   (line  49)
* _rl_uppercase_p                       Utility Functions.   (line  40)
* abort (C-g)                           Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  10)
* accept-line (Newline or Return)       Commands For History.
                                                               (line   6)
* backward-char (C-b)                   Commands For Moving. (line  15)
* backward-delete-char (Rubout)         Commands For Text.   (line  11)
* backward-kill-line (C-x Rubout)       Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line   9)
* backward-kill-word (M-<DEL>)          Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  24)
* backward-word (M-b)                   Commands For Moving. (line  22)
* beginning-of-history (M-<)            Commands For History.
                                                               (line  19)
* beginning-of-line (C-a)               Commands For Moving. (line   6)
* bell-style                            Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  35)
* bind-tty-special-chars                Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  42)
* call-last-kbd-macro (C-x e)           Keyboard Macros.     (line  13)
* capitalize-word (M-c)                 Commands For Text.   (line  49)
* character-search (C-])                Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  41)
* character-search-backward (M-C-])     Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  46)
* clear-screen (C-l)                    Commands For Moving. (line  26)
* comment-begin                         Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  47)
* complete (<TAB>)                      Commands For Completion.
                                                               (line   6)
* completion-query-items                Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  57)
* convert-meta                          Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  67)
* copy-backward-word ()                 Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  49)
* copy-forward-word ()                  Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  54)
* copy-region-as-kill ()                Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  45)
* delete-char (C-d)                     Commands For Text.   (line   6)
* delete-char-or-list ()                Commands For Completion.
                                                               (line  30)
* delete-horizontal-space ()            Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  37)
* digit-argument (M-0, M-1, ... M--)    Numeric Arguments.   (line   6)
* disable-completion                    Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  73)
* do-uppercase-version (M-a, M-b, M-X, ...) Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  14)
* downcase-word (M-l)                   Commands For Text.   (line  45)
* dump-functions ()                     Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  61)
* dump-macros ()                        Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  73)
* dump-variables ()                     Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  67)
* editing-mode                          Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  78)
* enable-keypad                         Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  84)
* end-kbd-macro (C-x ))                 Keyboard Macros.     (line   9)
* end-of-history (M->)                  Commands For History.
                                                               (line  22)
* end-of-line (C-e)                     Commands For Moving. (line   9)
* exchange-point-and-mark (C-x C-x)     Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  36)
* expand-tilde                          Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  89)
* forward-backward-delete-char ()       Commands For Text.   (line  15)
* forward-char (C-f)                    Commands For Moving. (line  12)
* forward-search-history (C-s)          Commands For History.
                                                               (line  30)
* forward-word (M-f)                    Commands For Moving. (line  18)
* history-preserve-point                Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  93)
* history-search-backward ()            Commands For History.
                                                               (line  50)
* history-search-forward ()             Commands For History.
                                                               (line  45)
* horizontal-scroll-mode                Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line  98)
* input-meta                            Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 105)
* insert-comment (M-#)                  Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  51)
* insert-completions (M-*)              Commands For Completion.
                                                               (line  14)
* isearch-terminators                   Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 112)
* keymap                                Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 119)
* kill-line (C-k)                       Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line   6)
* kill-region ()                        Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  41)
* kill-whole-line ()                    Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  15)
* kill-word (M-d)                       Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  19)
* mark-modified-lines                   Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 132)
* mark-symlinked-directories            Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 137)
* match-hidden-files                    Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 142)
* menu-complete ()                      Commands For Completion.
                                                               (line  18)
* meta-flag                             Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 105)
* next-history (C-n)                    Commands For History.
                                                               (line  16)
* non-incremental-forward-search-history (M-n) Commands For History.
                                                               (line  40)
* non-incremental-reverse-search-history (M-p) Commands For History.
                                                               (line  35)
* output-meta                           Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 149)
* overwrite-mode ()                     Commands For Text.   (line  53)
* page-completions                      Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 154)
* possible-completions (M-?)            Commands For Completion.
                                                               (line  11)
* prefix-meta (<ESC>)                   Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  18)
* previous-history (C-p)                Commands For History.
                                                               (line  12)
* quoted-insert (C-q or C-v)            Commands For Text.   (line  20)
* re-read-init-file (C-x C-r)           Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line   6)
* readline                              Basic Behavior.      (line  12)
* redraw-current-line ()                Commands For Moving. (line  30)
* reverse-search-history (C-r)          Commands For History.
                                                               (line  26)
* revert-line (M-r)                     Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  25)
* rl_add_defun                          Function Naming.     (line  20)
* rl_add_funmap_entry                   Associating Function Names and Bindings.
                                                               (line  47)
* rl_add_undo                           Allowing Undoing.    (line  41)
* rl_alphabetic                         Utility Functions.   (line  24)
* rl_already_prompted                   Readline Variables.  (line  59)
* rl_attempted_completion_function      Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  12)
* rl_attempted_completion_over          Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 210)
* rl_basic_quote_characters             Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  99)
* rl_basic_word_break_characters        Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  93)
* rl_begin_undo_group                   Allowing Undoing.    (line  29)
* rl_bind_key                           Binding Keys.        (line  22)
* rl_bind_key_if_unbound                Binding Keys.        (line  32)
* rl_bind_key_if_unbound_in_map         Binding Keys.        (line  38)
* rl_bind_key_in_map                    Binding Keys.        (line  27)
* rl_bind_keyseq                        Binding Keys.        (line  59)
* rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound             Binding Keys.        (line  77)
* rl_bind_keyseq_if_unbound_in_map      Binding Keys.        (line  83)
* rl_bind_keyseq_in_map                 Binding Keys.        (line  66)
* rl_binding_keymap                     Readline Variables.  (line 154)
* rl_callback_handler_install           Alternate Interface. (line  15)
* rl_callback_handler_remove            Alternate Interface. (line  33)
* rl_callback_read_char                 Alternate Interface. (line  21)
* rl_catch_signals                      Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line  48)
* rl_catch_sigwinch                     Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line  55)
* rl_char_is_quoted_p                   Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  46)
* rl_cleanup_after_signal               Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line  66)
* rl_clear_message                      Redisplay.           (line  48)
* rl_clear_pending_input                Character Input.     (line  30)
* rl_clear_signals                      Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line 119)
* rl_complete <1>                       Completion Functions.
                                                               (line  20)
* rl_complete                           How Completing Works.
                                                               (line  49)
* rl_complete_internal                  Completion Functions.
                                                               (line  10)
* rl_completer_quote_characters         Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 116)
* rl_completer_word_break_characters    Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 102)
* rl_completion_append_character        Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 140)
* rl_completion_display_matches_hook    Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  80)
* rl_completion_entry_function <1>      Completion Variables.
                                                               (line   7)
* rl_completion_entry_function          How Completing Works.
                                                               (line  55)
* rl_completion_found_quote             Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 168)
* rl_completion_mark_symlink_dirs       Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 175)
* rl_completion_matches                 Completion Functions.
                                                               (line  45)
* rl_completion_mode                    Completion Functions.
                                                               (line  37)
* rl_completion_query_items             Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 134)
* rl_completion_quote_character         Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 156)
* rl_completion_suppress_append         Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 150)
* rl_completion_suppress_quote          Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 162)
* rl_completion_type                    Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 217)
* rl_completion_word_break_hook         Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 107)
* rl_copy_keymap                        Keymaps.             (line  17)
* rl_copy_text                          Modifying Text.      (line  15)
* rl_crlf                               Redisplay.           (line  30)
* rl_delete_text                        Modifying Text.      (line  11)
* rl_deprep_term_function               Readline Variables.  (line 144)
* rl_deprep_terminal                    Terminal Management. (line  13)
* rl_ding                               Utility Functions.   (line  21)
* rl_directory_completion_hook          Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  64)
* rl_discard_keymap                     Keymaps.             (line  26)
* rl_dispatching                        Readline Variables.  (line  41)
* rl_display_match_list                 Utility Functions.   (line  28)
* rl_do_undo                            Allowing Undoing.    (line  48)
* rl_done                               Readline Variables.  (line  28)
* rl_editing_mode                       Readline Variables.  (line 242)
* rl_end                                Readline Variables.  (line  19)
* rl_end_undo_group                     Allowing Undoing.    (line  35)
* rl_erase_empty_line                   Readline Variables.  (line  47)
* rl_event_hook                         Readline Variables.  (line 119)
* rl_execute_next                       Character Input.     (line  26)
* rl_executing_keymap                   Readline Variables.  (line 150)
* rl_executing_macro                    Readline Variables.  (line 158)
* rl_expand_prompt                      Redisplay.           (line  64)
* rl_explicit_arg                       Readline Variables.  (line 233)
* rl_extend_line_buffer                 Utility Functions.   (line  12)
* rl_filename_completion_desired        Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 190)
* rl_filename_completion_function       Completion Functions.
                                                               (line  59)
* rl_filename_dequoting_function        Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  37)
* rl_filename_quote_characters          Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 122)
* rl_filename_quoting_desired           Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 200)
* rl_filename_quoting_function          Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  24)
* rl_forced_update_display              Redisplay.           (line  11)
* rl_free_line_state                    Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line  72)
* rl_free_undo_list                     Allowing Undoing.    (line  45)
* rl_function_dumper                    Associating Function Names and Bindings.
                                                               (line  30)
* rl_function_of_keyseq                 Associating Function Names and Bindings.
                                                               (line  15)
* rl_funmap_names                       Associating Function Names and Bindings.
                                                               (line  40)
* rl_generic_bind                       Binding Keys.        (line  89)
* rl_get_keymap                         Keymaps.             (line  32)
* rl_get_keymap_by_name                 Keymaps.             (line  38)
* rl_get_keymap_name                    Keymaps.             (line  43)
* rl_get_screen_size                    Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line 102)
* rl_get_termcap                        Miscellaneous Functions.
                                                               (line  42)
* rl_getc                               Character Input.     (line  15)
* rl_getc_function                      Readline Variables.  (line 125)
* rl_gnu_readline_p                     Readline Variables.  (line  78)
* rl_ignore_completion_duplicates       Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 186)
* rl_ignore_some_completions_function   Completion Variables.
                                                               (line  56)
* rl_inhibit_completion                 Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 225)
* rl_initialize                         Utility Functions.   (line  16)
* rl_insert_completions                 Completion Functions.
                                                               (line  32)
* rl_insert_text                        Modifying Text.      (line   7)
* rl_instream                           Readline Variables.  (line  92)
* rl_invoking_keyseqs                   Associating Function Names and Bindings.
                                                               (line  21)
* rl_invoking_keyseqs_in_map            Associating Function Names and Bindings.
                                                               (line  26)
* rl_kill_text                          Modifying Text.      (line  19)
* rl_last_func                          Readline Variables.  (line 105)
* rl_library_version                    Readline Variables.  (line  68)
* rl_line_buffer                        Readline Variables.  (line   9)
* rl_list_funmap_names                  Associating Function Names and Bindings.
                                                               (line  36)
* rl_macro_bind                         Miscellaneous Functions.
                                                               (line   8)
* rl_macro_dumper                       Miscellaneous Functions.
                                                               (line  14)
* rl_make_bare_keymap                   Keymaps.             (line  12)
* rl_make_keymap                        Keymaps.             (line  20)
* rl_mark                               Readline Variables.  (line  24)
* rl_message                            Redisplay.           (line  39)
* rl_modifying                          Allowing Undoing.    (line  57)
* rl_named_function                     Associating Function Names and Bindings.
                                                               (line  11)
* rl_num_chars_to_read                  Readline Variables.  (line  32)
* rl_numeric_arg                        Readline Variables.  (line 237)
* rl_on_new_line                        Redisplay.           (line  15)
* rl_on_new_line_with_prompt            Redisplay.           (line  19)
* rl_outstream                          Readline Variables.  (line  96)
* rl_parse_and_bind                     Binding Keys.        (line  96)
* rl_pending_input                      Readline Variables.  (line  37)
* rl_point                              Readline Variables.  (line  15)
* rl_possible_completions               Completion Functions.
                                                               (line  28)
* rl_pre_input_hook                     Readline Variables.  (line 114)
* rl_prefer_env_winsize                 Readline Variables.  (line 100)
* rl_prep_term_function                 Readline Variables.  (line 137)
* rl_prep_terminal                      Terminal Management. (line   7)
* rl_prompt                             Readline Variables.  (line  53)
* rl_push_macro_input                   Modifying Text.      (line  26)
* rl_read_init_file                     Binding Keys.        (line 101)
* rl_read_key                           Character Input.     (line   7)
* rl_readline_name                      Readline Variables.  (line  87)
* rl_readline_state                     Readline Variables.  (line 161)
* rl_readline_version                   Readline Variables.  (line  71)
* rl_redisplay                          Redisplay.           (line   7)
* rl_redisplay_function                 Readline Variables.  (line 131)
* rl_replace_line                       Utility Functions.   (line   7)
* rl_reset_after_signal                 Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line  80)
* rl_reset_line_state                   Redisplay.           (line  26)
* rl_reset_screen_size                  Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line 106)
* rl_reset_terminal                     Terminal Management. (line  28)
* rl_resize_terminal                    Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line  89)
* rl_restore_prompt                     Redisplay.           (line  57)
* rl_save_prompt                        Redisplay.           (line  53)
* rl_set_key                            Binding Keys.        (line  73)
* rl_set_keyboard_input_timeout         Character Input.     (line  35)
* rl_set_keymap                         Keymaps.             (line  35)
* rl_set_paren_blink_timeout            Miscellaneous Functions.
                                                               (line  37)
* rl_set_prompt                         Redisplay.           (line  78)
* rl_set_screen_size                    Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line  93)
* rl_set_signals                        Readline Signal Handling.
                                                               (line 113)
* rl_show_char                          Redisplay.           (line  33)
* rl_special_prefixes                   Completion Variables.
                                                               (line 127)
* rl_startup_hook                       Readline Variables.  (line 110)
* rl_stuff_char                         Character Input.     (line  19)
* rl_terminal_name                      Readline Variables.  (line  82)
* rl_tty_set_default_bindings           Terminal Management. (line  18)
* rl_tty_unset_default_bindings         Terminal Management. (line  23)
* rl_unbind_command_in_map              Binding Keys.        (line  55)
* rl_unbind_function_in_map             Binding Keys.        (line  51)
* rl_unbind_key                         Binding Keys.        (line  42)
* rl_unbind_key_in_map                  Binding Keys.        (line  46)
* rl_username_completion_function       Completion Functions.
                                                               (line  66)
* rl_variable_bind                      Miscellaneous Functions.
                                                               (line  21)
* rl_variable_dumper                    Miscellaneous Functions.
                                                               (line  31)
* rl_variable_value                     Miscellaneous Functions.
                                                               (line  26)
* self-insert (a, b, A, 1, !, ...)      Commands For Text.   (line  27)
* set-mark (C-@)                        Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  32)
* show-all-if-ambiguous                 Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 164)
* show-all-if-unmodified                Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 170)
* start-kbd-macro (C-x ()               Keyboard Macros.     (line   6)
* transpose-chars (C-t)                 Commands For Text.   (line  30)
* transpose-words (M-t)                 Commands For Text.   (line  36)
* undo (C-_ or C-x C-u)                 Miscellaneous Commands.
                                                               (line  22)
* universal-argument ()                 Numeric Arguments.   (line  10)
* unix-filename-rubout ()               Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  32)
* unix-line-discard (C-u)               Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  12)
* unix-word-rubout (C-w)                Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  28)
* upcase-word (M-u)                     Commands For Text.   (line  41)
* visible-stats                         Readline Init File Syntax.
                                                               (line 179)
* yank (C-y)                            Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  59)
* yank-last-arg (M-. or M-_)            Commands For History.
                                                               (line  64)
* yank-nth-arg (M-C-y)                  Commands For History.
                                                               (line  55)
* yank-pop (M-y)                        Commands For Killing.
                                                               (line  62)
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