Configuring Internet Protocol (IP) routing

gated directive statements

Directive statements provide direction to the gated configuration language parser about included files and the directories in which these files reside. Directive statements are immediately acted upon by the parser. Other statements terminate with a semicolon (;), but directive statements terminate with a newline. The two directive statements are:

%directory pathname
This directive statement defines the directory where the include files are stored. When this statement is present, gated looks in the directory identified by pathname for any included files that do not have a fully qualified filename (that is, that do not begin with ``/''). This statement does not actually change the current directory; it just specifies the prefix applied to included filenames.

%include filename
This directive statement identifies an include file. The contents of the file are included in the gated.conf file at the point in the gated.conf file where the %include directive is encountered. If the filename is not fully qualified, that is, it does not begin with ``/'', it is considered to be relative to the directory defined in the %directory directive. The %include directive statement causes the specified file to be parsed completely before resuming with this file. Nesting up to ten levels is supported.
In a complex environment, segmenting a large configuration into smaller more easily understood segments might be helpful, but one of the great advantages of gated is that it combines the configuration of several different routing protocols into a single file. Segmenting a small file unnecessarily complicates routing configurations.
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 05 June 2007