Sets - Sets(C++)

A Set example

To illustrate the basics, let's write a program to compute and display the Cartesian product of two integer Sets. The Cartesian product of two sets, A and B, is the set of all possible pairs of elements from A and B. More formally, if A = {a1,...,an} and B = {b1, ...,bn}, then A[times ]B = {<ai,bi> | ai ELEMENT OF A and bi ELEMENT OF B}. Since the problem involves two input integer Sets, we declare them as Set<int>:

       #include <Set.h>
       Set<int>  a, b;          declares a and b as Set<int>

Since it generates as a result a Set of integer pairs, we first define a type Pair and then use it to declare the result as Set<Pair>:

       struct Pair{
           int i;
           int j;
       Set<Pair>  result;       illegal!

As noted, this is incorrect; Set(C++) specifies that any type GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU used as an argument to Set<GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU> must meet three requirements:

All but the third requirement are satisfied for type Pair. But it is easy enough to provide an equality operator with the required semantics:
       struct Pair{
           int i;
           int j;
       int operator==(const Pair& p1,const Pair& p2){
           return p1.i==p2.i && p1.j==p2.j;
       Set<Pair>  result;       OK

Since the problem states that we must display the answer, we will need a stream insertion operator for Set<Pair>. Set(C++) explains that in order to do this, Pair must itself have a stream insertion operator. We must therefore write one:

       #include <iostream.h>
       ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const Pair& p){
           os << "<" << p.i << "," << p.j << ">";
           return os;

We are now ready to implement the Cartesian product function, which we define by overloading the multiplication operator:

       Set<Pair> operator*(const Set<int>& a,
           const Set<int>& b){
           Set<Pair> result;
           Setiter<int> a_iter(a);
           const int* ap;

while(ap ={ Pair p; p.i = *ap; Setiter<int> b_iter(b); const int* bp;

               while(bp ={
                   p.j = *bp;
           return result;

The operator takes two constant integer Set references a and b (avoiding copy), and returns a Set of integer pairs result (requiring a copy). It creates the result by looping over the elements of a and, for each element, looping over the elements of b and forming the Pair <ai,bj>, which it inserts into result. As for other container classes, iteration over Sets is done by creating an iterator (for example, Setiter<int> a_iter(a)) and then repeatedly requesting the ``next'' element from the iterator until the iterator returns zero. Set, Bag, and pointer set iterators return pointers; this avoids a copy and, since the pointers are to constant objects, prevents the client from modifying elements. The main program will test the function by computing the Cartesian product {1,2,3,4}[times ]{5,6}:

           Set<int> s(1,2,3,4), t(5,6);
           cout << s*t << "\ n";

We can now compile our program, which we assume to be in a single file called cartesian.c. For Sets, instead of using the default hash function, we can provide our own hash functions for integers and Pairs, respectively. A hash function must take an argument of the Set element type, compute an integral value from it, preferably unique, and then return the unsigned integral type Set_or_Bag_hashval, which for UnixWare and most other implementations is unsigned long, but might be different on some machines. See Set(C++). This value is used by the Set operations to determine an element's location within the Set's internal data structure. If you provide a perfect hash function (one that returns different results for different arguments), execution speed will be optimized since each element will have a unique location in the data structure. So unless you are willing to pay for linear time complexity, you should provide a hash function for your element type. The section, ``Space-time tradeoffs'', discusses this subject further and gives a concrete example.

Returning to our example, here are our two hash functions:

       Set_or_Bag_hashval Set<int>::hash(const int& i){
           return ((Set_or_Bag_hashval)i);
       Set_or_Bag_hashval Set<Pair>::hash(const Pair& p){
           return ((Set_or_Bag_hashval)

Note that the integer hash function Set<int>::hash will be perfect as long as the type Set_or_Bag_hashval has more bits than int. The Pair hash function Set<Pair>::hash is not perfect since <i,j> and <j,i> hash to the same value.

We can now compile and link the program:

       $CC cartesian.c -l++

Executing the program for the given data produces the following output:


After testing the function more thoroughly, we might decide to place it in a library, possibly with other functions for operating on Sets of Pairs. This will require tearing apart cartesian.c and creating a more appropriate source structure. As always when working with template classes, the class declaration should be created in the argument declaration file:

           #include <Set.h>
           struct Pair{
               int i;
               int j;
           int operator==(const Pair& p1,const Pair& p2){
               return p1.i==p2.i && p1.j==p2.j;
     #include "Set_Pair.h"
           Set<Pair> operator*(const Set<int>& a,
               const Set<int>& b);

declarations for other useful functions involving relations

       relation.c        #include "relation.h"
           Set<Pair> operator*(const Set<int>& a,
               const Set<int>& b){
           other definitions
       implement.c        #include "Set_Pair.h"
           Set_or_Bag_hashval Set<int>::hash(const int& i){
               return ((Set_or_Bag_hashval)i);
           Set_or_Bag_hashval Set<Pair>::hash(const Pair& p){
               return ((Set_or_Bag_hashval)
           ... other implementations

Assuming relation.c and implement.c have been compiled and placed in a library archive libRel.a, a client program would look like this:

       client.c        #include "relation.h"
               Set<int> s(1,2,3,4), t(5,6);
               cout << s*t << "\ n";

and would be compiled and linked as follows:

       $CC client.c libRel.a -l++

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