Using the graphical interface of debug

Using selections in the process pane

The current selection in the ``Process pane'' affects the initialization of many of the popup windows brought up from buttons in the window containing the process pane. It also affects the behavior of many of the command buttons in those menus. For example, if two threads are selected in the Process pane, and then the ``Run'' command button in the ``Control menu'' is selected, both threads will be set in motion. Similarly, if the ``Show Value'' window is brought up after several processes or threads are selected in the Process pane, the names of the selected processes or threads will be displayed at the top of the window. When the Show Value button at the bottom of the window is selected, the expression will be evaluated in the context of each process or thread in turn, and all the results will be displayed in the ``Result'' area. If several symbols, instead of processes, had been selected before bringing up the Show Value window, then the ``Expression'' field would be initialized with the names of the symbols, separated by commas, and the values of all the selected symbols would be displayed in the ``Result'' area.

Once a popup window is up, changing the selection in the ``Process pane'' does not change the contents of that window. To make the window apply to a new selection, you must once again select the command button in the appropriate menu.

Note that some commands are not allowed if more than one process or thread is selected ( ``Set current'', ``Dump'', ``Map'', ``Stop on Function'', ``Cancel'', ``Ignore Signals'', and ``Ignore Exceptions'') or if the selected processes and threads are in different states (all of the buttons in the ``Control menu'' and ``Event menu''). Also, some commands ( ``Set value'', and ``Show Type'') are not allowed if more than one symbol is selected. There may also be other reasons why a specific command is not sensitive; see the section on that command for more information.

If you have not selected any processes or threads in the Process pane, then any command buttons you select or popup windows you bring up will apply to the current process or thread, that is, the one shown with the pointing hand. To change the current process or thread, select one line in the Process pane, and then select the ``Set current'' button in the ``Edit menu''.

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005