Recursive mutual exclusion
The regular mutex lock (shown earlier) will deadlock the calling
thread on attempts to re-lock a lock that it already holds.
A recursive mutually exclusive lock (recursive mutex or rmutex) allows
the holder of a lock
to re-lock without deadlock; other threads will block normally.
int rmutex_lock( rmutex_t *rmutex);
int rmutex_unlock(rmutex_t *rmutex);
Considerations for the use of recursive mutex locks:
The holder must unlock the lock for each time it was locked.
This facility is useful for
The implementation of recursive algorithms.
Situations where the code locking a resource cannot know which locks
have already been acquired.
This may arise in the implementation of library functions where generally
the activities of the callers are not known.
Recursive mutexes only prevent deadlock of a thread with itself
for a single resource.
It is still possible for a thread to become deadlocked even with
recursive mutexes.
Two (or more) threads can deadlock by each acquiring multiple locks
in an unfortunate order.
Recursive mutexes provide exclusivity but they sacrifice ``atomicity''.
A resource protected by an rmutex will be used by only one thread at a time;
that use must be designed to be reentrant because that thread might
reacquire the resource in the midst of using it.
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Reader-writer locks
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Spin locks
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005