diff3 --
compare three files
diff3 [ -ex3 ] file1 file2 file3
diff3 compares three versions of a file,
and publishes disagreeing ranges of text
flagged with these codes:
all three files differ
file1 is different
file2 is different
file3 is different
The type of change suffered in converting a given range
of a given file to some other range is
indicated in one of these ways:
f : n1 a-
Text is to be appended after line number n1
in file f, where f = 1, 2, or 3.
f : n1 , n2 c-
Text is to be changed in the range line n1
to line n2. If n1 = n2,
the range may be abbreviated to n1.
The original contents of the range follow immediately
after a c indication.
When the contents of two files are identical, the contents of the lower-numbered
file are suppressed.
Options are:
Write a script for the editor
on the standard output
that will incorporate into file1 all changes between
file2 and file3,
that is, the changes that normally would be flagged
and ====3
Write an ed script on the standard output to incorporate
changes flagged with
Write an ed script on the standard output to incorporate
changes flagged with
Produce an ed script
that will incorporate into file1 all changes between
file2 and file3:
diff3 -e file1 file2 file3 > script
Apply the editing script to file1:
(cat script; echo '1,$p') | ed - file1
Perform the above operations as a pipeline:
diff3 -e file1 file2 file3 | ed - file1
None of the options work properly for lines
consisting of a single period.
The input file size limit is 64KB.
See also
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005