
scocalendar -- a graphical desktop calendar

Command syntax


Desktop syntax

<double-click>Calendar in the Accessories window


The Calendar program lets you organize, manage, and review your daily schedule.

Use the Calendar menu to open, close, create, delete, export, and print calendars.

Use the View menu to switch between the Main and Month calendars, and search for free time between calendar users.

Use the Go menu to move from date to date and search for calendar events.

Use the Event menu to add, modify, and delete calendar events and show additional event details.

Use the Preferences menu to set calendar defaults.

The tool bar provides a quick way to do the more common Calendar tasks. The buttons are, from left to right: Open, Close, Print, Month, Previous, Next, Today, New Event, Modify Event, and Delete.

Date formats

scocal recognizes the following date formats:

Calendar date formats

Format Goes to  
11/27/97 11-27-97 11.27.97 27 Nov 97 27 nov 1997 Nov 27 97 November 27 1997 112797 November 27, 1997  
11/27 November 27  
11/27/0 November 27, 2000  
27 the twenty-seventh day of the current month  
+3 3 days forward  
-15w 15 work days backward  
(null) today  

 |Format              | Goes to                                     |  |
 |11/27/97 11-27-97   | November 27, 1997                           |  |
 |11.27.97 27 Nov 97  |                                             |  |
 |27 nov 1997 Nov 27  |                                             |  |
 |97 November 27 1997 |                                             |  |
 |112797              |                                             |  |
 |11/27               | November 27                                 |  |
 |11/27/0             | November 27, 2000                           |  |
 |27                  | the twenty-seventh day of the current month |  |
 |+3                  | 3 days forward                              |  |
 |-15w                | 15 work days backward                       |  |
 |(null)              | today                                       |  |


You can customize the characteristics of the Calendar using your personal X resource file, $HOME/.Xdefaults-hostname, where hostname is the name of the machine on which the client is running. If this file does not exist in your home directory, you will need to create it. Changes to this file take effect the next time you run scocal.

The class name for scocal is ScoCal. The Calendar understands all of the core resource names and classes.



See also

scosession(XC), scoremind(XC)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005