
Intro -- introduction to RPC library functions


This section describes functions which may be found in various libraries. The library functions implement the RPC and XDR primitives, as well as some socket system calls. All of these functions are accessible from either the RPC library, librpc, the RPC services library, librpcsvc, the socket library, libsocket, or one of the database manager libraries, libdbm or libndbm. The link editor ld(CP) and the C compiler cc(CP) search these libraries under the -llibname option.

List of functions

Name Appears on Page Description
async_daemons nfs_svc(NS) NFS daemons
auth_destroy rpc(NS) destroy authentication handle
authnone_create rpc(NS) create authentication handle
authunix_create rpc(NS) create authentication handle
authunix_create_default rpc(NS) invoke authunix_create
bindresvport bindresvport(NS) bind to a reserved port
callrpc rpc(NS) call a remote procedure
clnt_broadcast rpc(NS) broadcast remote procedure call
clnt_call rpc(NS) call a remote procedure
clnt_control rpc(NS) control client handle
clnt_create rpc(NS) generic client handle creation
clnt_destroy rpc(NS) destroy client handle
clnt_freeres rpc(NS) free data allocated by RPC/XDR
clnt_geterr rpc(NS) get error information
clnt_pcreateerror rpc(NS) print error information
clnt_perrno rpc(NS) print error information
clnt_perror rpc(NS) print error information
clnt_spcreateerror rpc(NS) string print error information
clnt_sperrno rpc(NS) string print error information
clnt_sperror rpc(NS) string print error information
clntraw_create rpc(NS) client handle creation
clnttcp_create rpc(NS) client handle creation
clntudp_bufcreate rpc(NS) client handle creation
clntudp_create rpc(NS) client handle creation
dbmclose dbm(NS) close database
dbminit dbm(NS) open database
dbm_clearerr ndbm(NS) reset error condition
dbm_close ndbm(NS) close database
dbm_delete ndbm(NS) delete datum and key
dbm_error ndbm(NS) return error value
dbm_fetch ndbm(NS) retrieve datum under key
dbm_firstkey ndbm(NS) find first key
dbm_nextkey ndbm(NS) find next key
dbm_open ndbm(NS) open database
dbm_store ndbm(NS) store datum under key
delete dbm(NS) delete datum and key
endnetgrent getnetgrent(NS) free getnetgrent allocated space
endrpcent getrpcent(NS) close the rpc file
exportfs exportfs(NS) export directory trees
fetch dbm(NS) retrieve datum under key
firstkey dbm(NS) find first key
fh_fcntl fh_fcntl(NS) fcntl given NFS file handle
getdomainname getdomainname(NS) get name of current domain
get_myaddress rpc(NS) return the local IP address
getnetgrent getnetgrent(NS) get network group entry
getrpcbyname getrpcent(NS) get RPC entry by name
getrpcbynumber getrpcent(NS) get RPC entry by number
getrpcent getrpcent(NS) get RPC entry
getrpcport getrpcport(NS) get RPC port number
innetgr getnetgrent(NS) verify network group entry
kclt_create kclt_create(NS) create kernel RPC client handles
lstat lstat(NS) get file status
nextkey dbm(NS) find next key
nfs_getfh nfs_getfh(NS) get NFS file handle
nfs_svc nfs_svc(NS) NFS daemons
pmap_getmaps rpc(NS) return current RPC program-to-port maps
pmap_getport rpc(NS) return port number for RPC service
pmap_rmtcall rpc(NS) indirect remote procedure call
pmap_set rpc(NS) establish a program-to-port mapping
pmap_unset rpc(NS) destroy a program-to-port mapping
registerrpc rpc(NS) register procedure with RPC
rwall rwall(NS) write to specified remote machines
setdomainname getdomainname(NS) set name of current domain
setnetgrent getnetgrent(NS) set network group
setrpcent getrpcent(NS) rewind the rpc file
store dbm(NS) store datum under key
svc_destroy rpc(NS) destroy a service handle
svc_freeargs rpc(NS) free data allocated by RPC/XDR
svc_getargs rpc(NS) decode the arguments to an RPC
svc_getcaller rpc(NS) get the network of the caller
svc_getreqset rpc(NS) get RPC request
svc_register rpc(NS) register an RPC service procedure
svc_run rpc(NS) get RPC requests
svc_sendreply rpc(NS) send replies to an RPC
svc_unregister rpc(NS) unregister an RPC service procedure
svcerr_auth rpc(NS) return service error
svcerr_decode rpc(NS) return service error
svcerr_noproc rpc(NS) return service error
svcerr_noprog rpc(NS) return service error
svcerr_progvers rpc(NS) return service error
svcerr_systemerr rpc(NS) return service error
svcerr_weakauth rpc(NS) return service error
svcfd_create rpc(NS) create service handle
svcraw_create rpc(NS) create service handle
svctcp_create rpc(NS) create service handle
svcudp_bufcreate rpc(NS) create service handle
svcudp_create rpc(NS) create service handle
svcudp_enablecache rpc(NS) allocate space for RPC handle
xdr_accept_reply xdr(NS) XDR an accepted reply
xdr_array xdr(NS) XDR a C array of objects
xdr_authunix_parms xdr(NS) XDR UNIX credentials
xdr_bool xdr(NS) XDR an boolean
xdr_bytes xdr(NS) XDR a counted byte string
xdr_callhdr xdr(NS) XDR the RPC call header
xdr_callmsg xdr(NS) XDR an RPC call message
xdr_char xdr(NS) XDR a C character
xdr_destroy xdr(NS) destroy an XDR stream
xdr_double xdr(NS) XDR a C double
xdr_enum xdr(NS) XDR a C enum
xdr_float xdr(NS) XDR a C float
xdr_free xdr(NS) generic XDR free routine
xdr_getpos xdr(NS) get current position of XDR stream
xdr_inline xdr(NS) allocate space for inline XDR operation
xdr_int xdr(NS) XDR a C integer
xdr_long xdr(NS) XDR a C long
xdr_opaque xdr(NS) XDR an opaque object
xdr_opaque_auth xdr(NS) XDR opaque authentication parameters
xdr_pmap xdr(NS) XDR parameters to portmapper procedures
xdr_pmaplist xdr(NS) XDR a list of port mappings
xdr_pointer xdr(NS) XDR a C pointer
xdr_reference xdr(NS) XDR a C pointer
xdr_rejected_reply xdr(NS) XDR a rejected reply
xdr_replymsg xdr(NS) XDR an RPC reply message
xdr_rex_result rex(NS) XDR a REX result message
xdr_rex_start rex(NS) XDR a REX start message
xdr_rex_ttymode rex(NS) XDR a REX tty modes message
xdr_rex_ttysize rex(NS) XDR a REX tty size message
xdr_setpos xdr(NS) set current position on XDR stream
xdr_short xdr(NS) XDR a C short
xdr_string xdr(NS) XDR a C string
xdr_u_char xdr(NS) XDR a C unsigned character
xdr_u_int xdr(NS) XDR a C unsigned integer
xdr_u_long xdr(NS) XDR a C unsigned long
xdr_u_short xdr(NS) XDR a C unsigned short
xdr_union xdr(NS) XDR a discriminated union of choices
xdr_vector xdr(NS) XDR a C fixed length array
xdr_void xdr(NS) XDR nothing
xdr_wrapstring xdr(NS) XDR a C string
xdrmem_create xdr(NS) create an XDR stream
xdrrec_create xdr(NS) create an XDR stream
xdrrec_endofrecord xdr(NS) mark end of record on XDR stream
xdrrec_eof xdr(NS) mark end of file on XDR stream
xdrrec_readbytes xdr(NS) read from XDR stream
xdrrec_skiprecord xdr(NS) skip rest of XDR record
xdrstdio_create xdr(NS) create an XDR stream
xprt_register rpc(NS) register an RPC service transport handle
xprt_unregister rpc(NS) unregister an RPC service transport handle
yp_all ypclnt(NS) return all key-value pairs
yp_bind ypclnt(NS) bind to a NIS server
yp_first ypclnt(NS) return first key-value pair
yp_get_default_domain ypclnt(NS) return the default domain
yp_master ypclnt(NS) return the master for a map
yp_match ypclnt(NS) return value associated with key
yp_next ypclnt(NS) return next key-value pair
yp_order ypclnt(NS) return the order number for a map
yp_unbind ypclnt(NS) unbind from a specific NIS server
yperr_string ypclnt(NS) return error message string
yppasswd yppasswd(NS) replace a NIS password entry
ypprot_err ypclnt(NS) return ypclnt layer error


/usr/lib/librpc.a the RPC library
/usr/lib/librpcsvc.a the RPC services library
/usr/lib/libdbm.a the DBM library

 /usr/lib/librpc.a      the RPC library
 /usr/lib/librpcsvc.a   the RPC services library
 /usr/lib/libdbm.a      the DBM library

See also

cc(CP), ld(CP), nm(CP)
© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005