uncompress [-fqc] file | -
zcat file | -
compress takes a file and compresses it to the smallest possible size, creates a compressed output file, and removes the original file unless the -c option is present. Compression is achieved by encoding common strings within the file. uncompress restores a previously compressed file to its uncompressed state and removes the compressed version. zcat uncompresses and displays a file on the standard output.
If no file is specified on the command line or if - is given as the file name, input is taken from the standard input and the output is directed to the standard output. Output defaults to a file with the same filename as the input file with the suffix .Z or it can be directed through the standard output. The output files have the same permissions and ownership as the corresponding input files or the user's standard permissions if output is directed through the standard output.
If no space is saved by compression, the output file is not written unless the -F flag is present on the command line.