
netconfig -- configure networking products


netconfig [ -ar chain ]

netconfig [ -ce chain_element ]

netconfig [ -lsn ]


netconfig configures and enables network products. netconfig provides a standard way to combine networking products together to form a networking system from compatible networking components. By default, it is only executable by root.

netconfig assembles compatible sets of networking products into functional groups called chains. Configuring (adding) a chain will do everything necessary to enable the functions of the component products in the chain within a single command. Deconfiguring (removing) a chain through netconfig does everything necessary to disable the function of the component parts of the chain also in a single command.

A chain consists of a top level product, and one or more lower layer networking products that together produce a functional networking system.

netconfig is most often used interactively through the SCO Visual Tcl(TM) graphical interface, or at the command line. When the graphical interface is used, netconfig presents the user with a list of the currently configured chains as part of the main screen.

netconfig, when used non-interactively, is designed to be used as an engine underneath a higher level user interface program, whether graphical or character oriented.

For more information on using the graphical interface, see ``Configuring network connections'' in Configuring LAN connections.

netconfig and netconfig-compatible products place their information in the directory /usr/lib/netconfig. The /usr/lib/netconfig directory has the following subdirectories:

This directory contains files that describe the product information.

This directory contains all the initialization scripts and all the default value files.

This directory contains product removal scripts.

Directory used by netconfig; contains reconfigure scripts for each product.

Directory used by netconfig.

File used by netconfig.
netconfig takes the following options:

-a chain
Add a chain specified by the user. Designed as part of the command line engine, this option will perform an add (call the add scripts) without any user intervention. If the chain passed in is invalid, then netconfig will return an error and output a single-line error message. Chain names are specified with a single word comprised of the names of each element in the chain separated by ``#'' characters: top#middle ... #bottom.

-r chain
Remove. netconfig removes the specified chain. Chain names are specified with a single word comprised of the names of each element in the chain separated by ``#'' characters: top#middle ... #bottom. A single complete, valid chain name must be passed to netconfig with the -r option.

-c chain_element
Reconfigure an element in a chain. Requires a chain name and element as arguments.

-e chain_element
Element. Output the list of elements in the given chain that support reconfiguring.

Link. netconfig relinks the kernel and installs it without asking (suppresses the link kernel prompt) if changes are made that require relinking the kernel.

Never link. netconfig never relinks the kernel (suppresses the link kernel prompt) if changes are made that require relinking the kernel.

Status. netconfig prints a list of the currently installed chains and exits. This is intended for use in shell scripts that are trying to remove all chains associated with their product.

See also

configure(ADM), idtune(ADM), link_unix(ADM), mtune(F)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 03 June 2005