
map2ascii -- Network Information Service (NIS) database conversion routines




The Network Information Service (NIS) map2ascii routines are shell scripts used by ypxfr(NADM) to convert Network Information Service (NIS) databases (maps) into their ASCII counterparts. The names of the files in the directory, /etc/yp/map2ascii, correspond to shortened UNIX System V NIS map names. After transferring an NIS map, ypxfr checks for the existence of a file in the /etc/yp/map2ascii directory with the same name as the map. If it exists, ypxfr forks a shell to run the script.

Currently, conversion routines are provided for the passwd and group files, as well as for several of the network databases. Conversion routines may be created for other NIS maps and placed into the /etc/yp/map2ascii directory.

The passwd.nam script combines the contents of the passwd.nam (NIS) map and the contents of the /etc/passwd.local (local) file to make the /etc/passwd file. The following five paragraphs describe situations under which some elements in either the local file or NIS map may be modified before being copied to the file /etc/passwd. An ``element'', as used here, is a single password entry consisting of the fields listed in the passwd(F) reference manual page.

The group.nam script combines the contents of the group.nam map and the contents of /etc/group.local (if it exists) to make the /etc/group file. As with the passwd.nam example, group entries present in /etc/group.local have precedence over groups in the map.

The hosts.nam script copies the contents of the hosts.nam map to /etc/hosts. The concept of a local host table is not supported.

The netwks.nam script copies the contents of the netwks.nam map to /etc/networks. The concept of a local networks table is not supported.

The script copies the contents of the map to /etc/protocols. The concept of a local protocols table is not supported.

The script copies the contents of the map to /etc/rpc. The concept of a local rpc table is not supported.

The srvcs.nam script copies the contents of the srvcs.nam map to /etc/services. The concept of a local services table is not supported.

The rest of the map2ascii scripts exist merely to force the corresponding NIS map to be updated during system initialization time.



See also

group(F), hosts(SFF), networks(SFF), passwd(C), protocols(SFF), rpc(NF), services(SFF), ypmapxlate(NF), ypxfr(NADM)
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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005