
irdd.conf -- Internet router discovery configuration


The irdd.conf file contains information that controls the behavior of irdd(ADMN).

Lines starting with the pound-sign (#) character are ignored. Keywords that take a value are specified as keyword=value. Values may be specified in any of base 8, 10, or 16. The following keywords are recognized:

Specifies that messages should be sent to the broadcast address, rather than being multicast.

Specifies that the default behavior is to advertise all interfaces. This can be overridden on a per-interface basis. If this keyword is not specified, the default behavior is to not advertise interfaces. If the system is configured as a host, this keyword is ignored.

Specifies the default minimum interval for advertisements, specified in seconds. This is used only when the system is configured as a router. If this keyword is not specified, the value defaults to 75% of the maximum advertisement interval. The smallest legal value is 3.

Specifies the default maximum interval for advertisements, specified in seconds. This is used only when the system is configured as a router. If this keyword is not specified, the value defaults to 600. The smallest legal value is 4.

Specifies that the default behavior is to discover routers on networks attached to all interfaces. This can be overridden on a per-interface basis. If this keyword is not specified, the default behavior is to not perform router discovery on interfaces. If the system is configured as a router, this keyword is ignored.

Specifies the default life-time value for advertisements. If this keyword is not specified, the default life-time is 3 times the maximum advertisement interval. If the system is configured as a host, this keyword is ignored.

Specifies the default preference value for advertisements. If this keyword is not specified, the default preference is 0. A preference value of 0x80000000 means that hosts should ignore this system. If the system is configured as a host, this keyword is ignored.

This keyword identifies configuration information for a particular interface. Interfaces are specified by name, e.g. wdn0. The following per-interface keywords are recognized: advertise, advmax, advmin, broadcast, discover, lifetime, and preference. These per-interface keywords allow the default values to be overridden on a per-interface basis. Per-interface keywords not specified will cause those values to be initialized to the default or to the value specified using one of the default keywords.

This command is only used by systems configured as hosts (i.e., this command is ignored if the system is configured as a router); it causes the relationship with a specified router to be statically configured. The static keyword takes one argument, which is the hostname or IP address of the router.

Two per-static keywords affect the behavior of the static command. The first is preference, which assigns the specified preference to the specified router. This is useful for configuring multiple static routers with different priorities.

The second per-static keyword is noupdate, which causes router discovery messages received from the specified router to be ignored. This is useful for testing or in the event that it is desirable to assign a different preference to the router than it is advertising, possibly to work around a configuration problem.


Typical for a system configured as a router:

The following example configuration causes irdd to multicast on all interfaces except e3B0. Advertisements are generated with a preference of 4000, except on interface wdn0, which is advertised at a preference of 0. Advertisements are sent at random intervals between 15 and 20 minutes. Advertisements are valid for up to 45 minutes.

   # sample router discovery configuration
   defadvertise                    # advertise all interfaces
   defadvmax=1200                  # twenty minutes
   deflifetime=2700                # forty-five minutes
   interface e3B0 broadcast        # no multicast on this lan
   interface wdn0 preference=0     # override preference
Typical for a system not configured as a router
   # sample router discovery configuration
   # perform discovery on all interfaces in addition
   # to static router below
   # our routers can't hear multicasts yet
   # add 75.1 as our preferred router even though it doesn't advertise
   static preference 100000
   # ignore anything we hear from 75.67 and never use it
   static noupdate preference=0x80000000



See also

© 2005 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005