( Concept Index

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 Concept Index


* $ as normal character in patterns     Patterns.            (line 282)
* %array, advantages of                 Matching.            (line  44)
* %array, use of                        Matching.            (line  30)
* %array, with C++                      Matching.            (line  67)
* %option nowrap                        Generated Scanner.   (line  96)
* %pointer, and unput()                 Actions.             (line 170)
* %pointer, use of                      Matching.            (line  30)
* %top                                  Definitions Section. (line  48)
* %{ and %}, in Definitions Section     Definitions Section. (line  44)
* %{ and %}, in Rules Section           Actions.             (line  28)
* <<EOF>>, use of                       EOF.                 (line  34)
* [] in patterns                        Patterns.            (line  15)
* ^ as non-special character in patterns Patterns.           (line 282)
* accessor functions, use of            Accessor Methods.    (line  18)
* actions                               Actions.             (line   6)
* actions, embedded C strings           Actions.             (line  28)
* actions, redefining YY_BREAK          Misc Macros.         (line  51)
* actions, use of { and }               Actions.             (line  28)
* aliases, how to define                Definitions Section. (line  10)
* arguments, command-line               Scanner Options.     (line   6)
* array, default size for yytext        User Values.         (line  13)
* backing up, eliminating               Performance.         (line  56)
* backing up, eliminating by adding error rules Performance. (line 108)
* backing up, eliminating with catch-all rule Performance.   (line 123)
* backing up, example of eliminating    Performance.         (line  51)
* BEGIN                                 Actions.             (line  60)
* BEGIN, explanation                    Start Conditions.    (line  90)
* beginning of line, in patterns        Patterns.            (line 128)
* bison, bridging with flex             Bison Bridge.        (line   6)
* bison, parser                         Bison Bridge.        (line  57)
* bison, scanner to be called from bison Bison Bridge.       (line  37)
* BOL, checking the BOL flag            Misc Macros.         (line  48)
* BOL, in patterns                      Patterns.            (line 128)
* BOL, setting it                       Misc Macros.         (line  42)
* braces in patterns                    Patterns.            (line  42)
* bugs, reporting                       Reporting Bugs.      (line   6)
* C code in flex input                  Definitions Section. (line  44)
* C++                                   Cxx.                 (line   9)
* C++ and %array                        User Values.         (line  23)
* C++ I/O, customizing                  How do I use my own I/O classes in a C++ scanner?.
                                                               (line   9)
* C++ scanners, including multiple scanners Cxx.             (line 186)
* C++ scanners, use of                  Cxx.                 (line 122)
* c++, experimental form of scanner class Cxx.               (line   6)
* C++, multiple different scanners      Cxx.                 (line 180)
* C-strings, in actions                 Actions.             (line  28)
* case-insensitive, effect on character classes Patterns.    (line 223)
* character classes in patterns         Patterns.            (line 191)
* character classes in patterns, syntax of Patterns.         (line  15)
* character classes, equivalence of     Patterns.            (line 211)
* clearing an input buffer              Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  66)
* command-line options                  Scanner Options.     (line   6)
* comments in flex input                Definitions Section. (line  41)
* comments in the input                 Comments in the Input.
                                                               (line  25)
* comments, discarding                  Actions.             (line 184)
* comments, example of scanning C comments Start Conditions. (line 148)
* comments, in actions                  Actions.             (line  28)
* comments, in rules section            Comments in the Input.
                                                               (line  11)
* comments, syntax of                   Comments in the Input.
                                                               (line   6)
* comments, valid uses of               Comments in the Input.
                                                               (line  25)
* compressing whitespace                Actions.             (line  23)
* concatenation, in patterns            Patterns.            (line 112)
* copyright of flex                     Copyright.           (line   6)
* counting characters and lines         Simple Examples.     (line  25)
* customizing I/O in C++ scanners       How do I use my own I/O classes in a C++ scanner?.
                                                               (line   9)
* default rule <1>                      Matching.            (line  20)
* default rule                          Simple Examples.     (line  16)
* defining pattern aliases              Definitions Section. (line  22)
* Definitions, in flex input            Definitions Section. (line   6)
* deleting lines from input             Actions.             (line  13)
* discarding C comments                 Actions.             (line 184)
* distributing flex                     Copyright.           (line   6)
* ECHO                                  Actions.             (line  57)
* ECHO, and yyout                       Generated Scanner.   (line 104)
* embedding C code in flex input        Definitions Section. (line  44)
* end of file, in patterns              Patterns.            (line 151)
* end of line, in negated character classes Patterns.        (line 244)
* end of line, in patterns              Patterns.            (line 132)
* end-of-file, and yyrestart()          Generated Scanner.   (line  44)
* EOF and yyrestart()                   Generated Scanner.   (line  44)
* EOF in patterns, syntax of            Patterns.            (line 151)
* EOF, example using multiple input buffers Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  81)
* EOF, explanation                      EOF.                 (line   6)
* EOF, pushing back                     Actions.             (line 178)
* EOL, in negated character classes     Patterns.            (line 244)
* EOL, in patterns                      Patterns.            (line 132)
* error messages, end of buffer missed  Lex and Posix.       (line  50)
* error reporting, diagnostic messages  Diagnostics.         (line   6)
* error reporting, in C++               Cxx.                 (line 106)
* error rules, to eliminate backing up  Performance.         (line 106)
* escape sequences in patterns, syntax of Patterns.          (line  57)
* exiting with yyterminate()            Actions.             (line 221)
* experimental form of c++ scanner class Cxx.                (line   6)
* extended scope of start conditions    Start Conditions.    (line 283)
* file format                           Format.              (line   6)
* file format, serialized tables        Tables File Format.  (line   6)
* flushing an input buffer              Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  66)
* flushing the internal buffer          Actions.             (line 215)
* format of flex input                  Format.              (line   6)
* format of input file                  Format.              (line   9)
* freeing tables                        Loading and Unloading Serialized Tables.
                                                               (line   6)
* getting current start state with YY_START Start Conditions.
                                                               (line 199)
* halting with yyterminate()            Actions.             (line 221)
* handling include files with multiple input buffers Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  87)
* header files, with C++                Cxx.                 (line 186)
* include files, with C++               Cxx.                 (line 186)
* input file, Definitions section       Definitions Section. (line   6)
* input file, Rules Section             Rules Section.       (line   6)
* input file, user code Section         User Code Section.   (line   6)
* input()                               Actions.             (line 181)
* input(), and C++                      Actions.             (line 211)
* input, format of                      Format.              (line   6)
* input, matching                       Matching.            (line   6)
* keywords, for performance             Performance.         (line 211)
* lex (traditional) and POSIX           Lex and Posix.       (line   6)
* LexerInput, overriding                How do I use my own I/O classes in a C++ scanner?.
                                                               (line   9)
* LexerOutput, overriding               How do I use my own I/O classes in a C++ scanner?.
                                                               (line   9)
* limitations of flex                   Limitations.         (line   6)
* literal text in patterns, syntax of   Patterns.            (line  54)
* loading tables at runtime             Loading and Unloading Serialized Tables.
                                                               (line   6)
* m4                                    M4 Dependency.       (line   6)
* Makefile, example of implicit rules   Makefiles and Flex.  (line  21)
* Makefile, explicit example            Makefiles and Flex.  (line  33)
* Makefile, syntax                      Makefiles and Flex.  (line   6)
* matching C-style double-quoted strings Start Conditions.   (line 214)
* matching, and trailing context        Matching.            (line   6)
* matching, length of                   Matching.            (line   6)
* matching, multiple matches            Matching.            (line   6)
* member functions, C++                 Cxx.                 (line   9)
* memory management                     Memory Management.   (line   6)
* memory, allocating input buffers      Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  19)
* memory, considerations for reentrant scanners Init and Destroy Functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* memory, deleting input buffers        Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  46)
* memory, for start condition stacks    Start Conditions.    (line 316)
* memory, serialized tables <1>         Loading and Unloading Serialized Tables.
                                                               (line   6)
* memory, serialized tables             Serialized Tables.   (line   6)
* methods, c++                          Cxx.                 (line   9)
* minimal scanner                       Matching.            (line  24)
* multiple input streams                Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line   6)
* name definitions, not POSIX           Lex and Posix.       (line  77)
* negating ranges in patterns           Patterns.            (line  23)
* newline, matching in patterns         Patterns.            (line 136)
* non-POSIX features of flex            Lex and Posix.       (line 148)
* nowrap, %option                       Generated Scanner.   (line  96)
* NULL character in patterns, syntax of Patterns.            (line  62)
* octal characters in patterns          Patterns.            (line  65)
* options, command-line                 Scanner Options.     (line   6)
* overriding LexerInput                 How do I use my own I/O classes in a C++ scanner?.
                                                               (line   9)
* overriding LexerOutput                How do I use my own I/O classes in a C++ scanner?.
                                                               (line   9)
* overriding the memory routines        Overriding The Default Memory Management.
                                                               (line  43)
* Pascal-like language                  Simple Examples.     (line  51)
* pattern aliases, defining             Definitions Section. (line  22)
* pattern aliases, expansion of         Patterns.            (line  51)
* pattern aliases, how to define        Definitions Section. (line  10)
* pattern aliases, use of               Definitions Section. (line  30)
* patterns and actions on different lines Lex and Posix.     (line 104)
* patterns, character class equivalence Patterns.            (line 211)
* patterns, common                      Common Patterns.     (line   6)
* patterns, end of line                 Patterns.            (line 309)
* patterns, grouping and precedence     Patterns.            (line 168)
* patterns, in rules section            Patterns.            (line   6)
* patterns, invalid trailing context    Patterns.            (line 292)
* patterns, matching                    Matching.            (line   6)
* patterns, precedence of operators     Patterns.            (line 162)
* patterns, repetitions with grouping   Patterns.            (line 188)
* patterns, special characters treated as non-special Patterns.
                                                               (line 301)
* patterns, syntax                      Patterns.            (line   9)
* patterns, tuning for performance      Performance.         (line  51)
* patterns, valid character classes     Patterns.            (line 197)
* performance optimization, matching longer tokens Performance.
                                                               (line 176)
* performance optimization, recognizing keywords Performance.
                                                               (line 216)
* performance, backing up               Performance.         (line  51)
* performance, considerations           Performance.         (line   6)
* performance, using keywords           Performance.         (line 211)
* popping an input buffer               Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  60)
* POSIX and lex                         Lex and Posix.       (line   6)
* POSIX comp;compliance                 Lex and Posix.       (line 148)
* POSIX, character classes in patterns, syntax of Patterns.  (line  15)
* preprocessor macros, for use in actions Actions.           (line  53)
* pushing an input buffer               Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  52)
* pushing back characters with unput    Actions.             (line 150)
* pushing back characters with unput()  Actions.             (line 154)
* pushing back characters with yyless   Actions.             (line 137)
* pushing back EOF                      Actions.             (line 178)
* ranges in patterns                    Patterns.            (line  19)
* ranges in patterns, negating          Patterns.            (line  23)
* recognizing C comments                Start Conditions.    (line 151)
* reentrant scanners, multiple interleaved scanners Reentrant Uses.
                                                               (line  10)
* reentrant scanners, recursive invocation Reentrant Uses.   (line  31)
* reentrant, accessing flex variables   Global Replacement.  (line   6)
* reentrant, accessor functions         Accessor Methods.    (line   6)
* reentrant, API explanation            Reentrant Overview.  (line   6)
* reentrant, calling functions          Extra Reentrant Argument.
                                                               (line   6)
* reentrant, example of                 Reentrant Example.   (line   6)
* reentrant, explanation                Reentrant.           (line   6)
* reentrant, extra data                 Extra Data.          (line   6)
* reentrant, initialization             Init and Destroy Functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* regular expressions, in patterns      Patterns.            (line   6)
* REJECT                                Actions.             (line  64)
* REJECT, calling multiple times        Actions.             (line  87)
* REJECT, performance costs             Performance.         (line  12)
* reporting bugs                        Reporting Bugs.      (line   6)
* restarting the scanner                Lex and Posix.       (line  55)
* RETURN, within actions                Generated Scanner.   (line  59)
* rules, default                        Simple Examples.     (line  16)
* rules, in flex input                  Rules Section.       (line   6)
* scanner, definition of                Introduction.        (line   6)
* sections of flex input                Format.              (line   6)
* serialization                         Serialized Tables.   (line   6)
* serialization of tables               Creating Serialized Tables.
                                                               (line   6)
* serialized tables, multiple scanners  Creating Serialized Tables.
                                                               (line  27)
* stack, input buffer pop               Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  60)
* stack, input buffer push              Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  52)
* stacks, routines for manipulating     Start Conditions.    (line 301)
* start condition, applying to multiple patterns Start Conditions.
                                                               (line 270)
* start conditions                      Start Conditions.    (line   6)
* start conditions, behavior of default rule Start Conditions.
                                                               (line  87)
* start conditions, exclusive           Start Conditions.    (line  56)
* start conditions, for different interpretations of same input Start Conditions.
                                                               (line 119)
* start conditions, in patterns         Patterns.            (line 141)
* start conditions, inclusive           Start Conditions.    (line  46)
* start conditions, inclusive v.s. exclusive Start Conditions.
                                                               (line  26)
* start conditions, integer values      Start Conditions.    (line 172)
* start conditions, multiple            Start Conditions.    (line  18)
* start conditions, special wildcard condition Start Conditions.
                                                               (line  72)
* start conditions, use of a stack      Start Conditions.    (line 301)
* start conditions, use of wildcard condition (<*>) Start Conditions.
                                                               (line  76)
* start conditions, using BEGIN         Start Conditions.    (line 101)
* stdin, default for yyin               Generated Scanner.   (line  39)
* stdout, as default for yyout          Generated Scanner.   (line 104)
* strings, scanning strings instead of files Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line 177)
* tables, creating serialized           Creating Serialized Tables.
                                                               (line   6)
* tables, file format                   Tables File Format.  (line   6)
* tables, freeing                       Loading and Unloading Serialized Tables.
                                                               (line   6)
* tables, loading and unloading         Loading and Unloading Serialized Tables.
                                                               (line   6)
* terminating with yyterminate()        Actions.             (line 221)
* token                                 Matching.            (line  14)
* trailing context, in patterns         Patterns.            (line 119)
* trailing context, limits of           Patterns.            (line 282)
* trailing context, matching            Matching.            (line   6)
* trailing context, performance costs   Performance.         (line  12)
* trailing context, variable length     Performance.         (line 147)
* unput()                               Actions.             (line 150)
* unput(), and %pointer                 Actions.             (line 170)
* unput(), pushing back characters      Actions.             (line 154)
* user code, in flex input              User Code Section.   (line   6)
* username expansion                    Simple Examples.     (line   8)
* using integer values of start condition names Start Conditions.
                                                               (line 172)
* verbatim text in patterns, syntax of  Patterns.            (line  54)
* warning, dangerous trailing context   Limitations.         (line  20)
* warning, rule cannot be matched       Diagnostics.         (line  14)
* warnings, diagnostic messages         Diagnostics.         (line   6)
* whitespace, compressing               Actions.             (line  23)
* yacc interface                        Yacc.                (line  17)
* yacc, interface                       Yacc.                (line   6)
* YY_CURRENT_BUFFER, and multiple buffers Finally, the macro Multiple Input Buffers.
                                                               (line  78)
* YY_EXTRA_TYPE, defining your own type Extra Data.          (line  34)
* YY_FLUSH_BUFFER()                     Actions.             (line 215)
* YY_INPUT                              Generated Scanner.   (line  63)
* YY_INPUT, overriding                  Generated Scanner.   (line  73)
* YY_START, example                     Start Conditions.    (line 195)
* YY_USER_ACTION to track each time a rule is matched Misc Macros.
                                                               (line  14)
* yyalloc, overriding                   Overriding The Default Memory Management.
                                                               (line   6)
* yyfree, overriding                    Overriding The Default Memory Management.
                                                               (line   6)
* yyin                                  Generated Scanner.   (line  39)
* yyinput()                             Actions.             (line 211)
* yyleng                                Matching.            (line  14)
* yyleng, modification of               Actions.             (line  50)
* yyless()                              Actions.             (line 131)
* yyless(), pushing back characters     Actions.             (line 137)
* yylex(), in generated scanner         Generated Scanner.   (line   6)
* yylex(), overriding                   Generated Scanner.   (line  17)
* yylex, overriding the prototype of    Generated Scanner.   (line  21)
* yylineno, in a reentrant scanner      Reentrant Functions. (line  38)
* yylineno, performance costs           Performance.         (line  12)
* yymore()                              Actions.             (line 109)
* yymore() to append token to previous token Actions.        (line 115)
* yymore(), mega-kludge                 Actions.             (line 115)
* yymore, and yyleng                    Actions.             (line  50)
* yymore, performance penalty of        Actions.             (line 125)
* yyout                                 Generated Scanner.   (line 104)
* yyrealloc, overriding                 Overriding The Default Memory Management.
                                                               (line   6)
* yyrestart()                           Generated Scanner.   (line  44)
* yyterminate()                         Actions.             (line 221)
* yytext                                Matching.            (line  14)
* yytext, default array size            User Values.         (line  13)
* yytext, memory considerations         A Note About yytext And Memory.
                                                               (line   6)
* yytext, modification of               Actions.             (line  44)
* yytext, two types of                  Matching.            (line  30)
* yywrap()                              Generated Scanner.   (line  88)
* yywrap, default for                   Generated Scanner.   (line  96)
* |, in actions                         Actions.             (line  35)
* |, use of                             Actions.             (line  87)
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