( Function Index

Info Catalog ( MySQL FLOSS License Exception ( Top ( Concept Index
 SQL Command, Type, and Function Index


* ! (logical NOT)                       Logical Operators.   (line  11)
* != (not equal)                        Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line  97)
* "                                     Legal names.         (line  42)
* % (modulo)                            Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 175)
* % (wildcard character)                String syntax.       (line  44)
* & (bitwise AND)                       Bit functions.       (line  17)
* && (logical AND)                      Logical Operators.   (line  29)
* () (parentheses)                      Parentheses.         (line   6)
* (Control-Z) \Z                        String syntax.       (line  39)
* * (multiplication)                    Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  34)
* + (addition)                          Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  12)
* - (subtraction)                       Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  18)
* - (unary minus)                       Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  24)
* --password option                     Password security.   (line  18)
* -p option                             Password security.   (line  18)
* .my.cnf file <1>                      Multiple-server clients.
                                                               (line  34)
* .my.cnf file <2>                      Password security.   (line  49)
* .my.cnf file <3>                      Access denied.       (line  94)
* .my.cnf file <4>                      Connecting.          (line  56)
* .my.cnf file                          Option files.        (line  33)
* .mysql_history file                   mysql.               (line 262)
* .pid (process ID) file                Maintenance schedule.
                                                               (line  17)
* / (division)                          Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  48)
* /etc/passwd <1>                       SELECT.              (line 238)
* /etc/passwd                           Security against attack.
                                                               (line 109)
* < (less than)                         Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 114)
* <<                                    Calculating days.    (line   6)
* << (left shift)                       Bit functions.       (line  39)
* <= (less than or equal)               Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 108)
* <=> (equal to)                        Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line  84)
* <> (not equal)                        Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line  97)
* = (equal)                             Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line  70)
* > (greater than)                      Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 126)
* >= (greater than or equal)            Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 120)
* >> (right shift)                      Bit functions.       (line  47)
* \" (double quote)                     String syntax.       (line  34)
* \' (single quote)                     String syntax.       (line  33)
* \0 (ASCII 0)                          String syntax.       (line  32)
* \\ (escape)                           String syntax.       (line  43)
* \b (backspace)                        String syntax.       (line  35)
* \n (linefeed)                         String syntax.       (line  36)
* \n (newline)                          String syntax.       (line  36)
* \r (carriage return)                  String syntax.       (line  37)
* \t (tab)                              String syntax.       (line  38)
* \Z (Control-Z) ASCII 26               String syntax.       (line  39)
* ^ (bitwise XOR)                       Bit functions.       (line  25)
* _ (wildcard character)                String syntax.       (line  45)
* `                                     Legal names.         (line  42)
* ABS()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line   8)
* ACOS()                                Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  18)
* ADDDATE()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line  44)
* addition (+)                          Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  12)
* ADDTIME()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line  63)
* AES_DECRYPT()                         Encryption functions.
                                                               (line  12)
* AES_ENCRYPT()                         Encryption functions.
                                                               (line  12)
* alias                                 Problems with alias. (line   6)
* ALL                                   SELECT.              (line 319)
* ALTER COLUMN                          ALTER TABLE.         (line 147)
* ALTER DATABASE                        ALTER DATABASE.      (line   6)
* ALTER FUNCTION                        ALTER PROCEDURE.     (line   6)
* ALTER PROCEDURE                       ALTER PROCEDURE.     (line   6)
* ALTER SCHEMA                          ALTER DATABASE.      (line   6)
* ALTER TABLE <1>                       ALTER TABLE problems.
                                                               (line   6)
* ALTER TABLE                           ALTER TABLE.         (line   6)
* ALTER VIEW                            ALTER VIEW.          (line   6)
* ANALYZE TABLE                         ANALYZE TABLE.       (line   6)
* AND, bitwise                          Bit functions.       (line  17)
* AND, logical                          Logical Operators.   (line  29)
* Area() <1>                            Multipolygon property functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* Area()                                Polygon property functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* arithmetic functions                  Bit functions.       (line   6)
* AS <1>                                JOIN.                (line  22)
* AS                                    SELECT.              (line  75)
* AsBinary()                            Functions to convert geometries between formats.
                                                               (line   9)
* ASCII()                               String functions.    (line  13)
* ASIN()                                Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  29)
* AsText()                              Functions to convert geometries between formats.
                                                               (line  13)
* ATAN()                                Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  38)
* ATAN2()                               Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  47)
* AVG()                                 GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line   9)
* backspace (\b)                        String syntax.       (line  35)
* BACKUP TABLE                          BACKUP TABLE.        (line   6)
* BdMPolyFromText()                     GIS WKT Functions.   (line  57)
* BdMPolyFromWKB()                      GIS WKB Functions.   (line  58)
* BdPolyFromText()                      GIS WKT Functions.   (line  62)
* BdPolyFromWKB()                       GIS WKB Functions.   (line  63)
* BEGIN <1>                             BEGIN END.           (line   6)
* BEGIN                                 COMMIT.              (line   6)
* BENCHMARK()                           Information functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* BETWEEN ... AND                       Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 175)
* BIGINT                                Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  50)
* BIN()                                 String functions.    (line  28)
* BINARY <1>                            Cast Functions.      (line   6)
* BINARY                                String type overview.
                                                               (line 124)
* BIT                                   Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  25)
* BIT_AND()                             GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line  16)
* BIT_COUNT                             Calculating days.    (line   6)
* BIT_COUNT()                           Bit functions.       (line  63)
* BIT_LENGTH()                          String functions.    (line  36)
* BIT_OR                                Calculating days.    (line   6)
* BIT_OR()                              GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line  25)
* BIT_XOR()                             GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line  31)
* BLOB <1>                              BLOB.                (line   6)
* BLOB                                  String type overview.
                                                               (line 141)
* BOOL                                  Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  25)
* BOOLEAN                               Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  25)
* Boundary()                            General geometry property functions.
                                                               (line  67)
* Buffer()                              Spatial operators.   (line  12)
* C\my.cnf file:                        Multiple-server clients.
                                                               (line  34)
* CACHE INDEX                           CACHE INDEX.         (line   6)
* CALL                                  CALL.                (line   6)
* carriage return (\r)                  String syntax.       (line  37)
* CASE <1>                              CASE Statement.      (line   6)
* CASE                                  Control flow functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* CAST                                  Cast Functions.      (line  59)
* casts                                 Cast Functions.      (line   6)
* CC environment variable <1>           Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* CC environment variable <2>           Compilation problems.
                                                               (line 126)
* CC environment variable               configure options.   (line  70)
* CEILING()                             Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  59)
* Centroid()                            Multipolygon property functions.
                                                               (line  23)
* CFLAGS environment variable <1>       Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* CFLAGS environment variable <2>       Compilation problems.
                                                               (line 126)
* CFLAGS environment variable           configure options.   (line  84)
* CHANGE MASTER TO                      CHANGE MASTER TO.    (line   6)
* CHAR <1>                              String types.        (line   6)
* CHAR                                  String type overview.
                                                               (line  50)
* CHAR VARYING                          String type overview.
                                                               (line  95)
* CHAR()                                String functions.    (line  44)
* CHAR_LENGTH()                         String functions.    (line  54)
* CHARACTER                             String type overview.
                                                               (line  50)
* CHARACTER VARYING                     String type overview.
                                                               (line  95)
* CHARACTER_LENGTH()                    String functions.    (line  60)
                                                               (line   6)
* CHARSET()                             Information functions.
                                                               (line  26)
* CHECK TABLE                           CHECK TABLE.         (line   6)
* CHECKSUM TABLE                        CHECKSUM TABLE.      (line   6)
* CLOSE                                 CLOSE.               (line   6)
* COALESCE()                            Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 197)
* COERCIBILITY()                        Information functions.
                                                               (line  38)
* COLLATION()                           Information functions.
                                                               (line  60)
                                                               (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* COLUMNS, INFORMATION_SCHEMA table     COLUMNS Table.       (line   6)
* command-line options                  Server options.      (line   6)
* Comment syntax                        Comments.            (line   6)
* COMMIT <1>                            COMMIT.              (line   6)
* COMMIT                                ANSI diff Transactions.
                                                               (line   6)
* comparison operators                  Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line   6)
* COMPRESS()                            String functions.    (line  63)
* CONCAT()                              String functions.    (line  92)
* CONCAT_WS()                           String functions.    (line 107)
* configure option, --with-charset      configure options.   (line 130)
* configure option, --with-collation    configure options.   (line 130)
* configure option, --with-extra-charsets configure options. (line 130)
* CONNECTION_ID()                       Information functions.
                                                               (line  70)
* constraints                           Constraints.         (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* Contains()                            Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  17)
* control flow functions                Control flow functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* CONV()                                String functions.    (line 123)
* CONVERT                               Cast Functions.      (line  59)
* CONVERT TO                            ALTER TABLE.         (line 219)
* CONVERT_TZ()                          Date and time functions.
                                                               (line  75)
* ConvexHull()                          Spatial operators.   (line  16)
* COS()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  72)
* COT()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  78)
* COUNT()                               GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line  39)
* COUNT(DISTINCT)                       GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line  65)
* CR_SERVER_GONE_ERROR                  Gone away.           (line   6)
* CR_SERVER_LOST_ERROR                  Gone away.           (line   6)
* CRC32()                               Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  86)
* CREATE DATABASE                       CREATE DATABASE.     (line   6)
* CREATE FUNCTION <1>                   CREATE FUNCTION.     (line   6)
* CREATE FUNCTION                       CREATE PROCEDURE.    (line   6)
* CREATE INDEX                          CREATE INDEX.        (line   6)
* CREATE PROCEDURE                      CREATE PROCEDURE.    (line   6)
* CREATE SCHEMA                         CREATE DATABASE.     (line   6)
* CREATE TABLE                          CREATE TABLE.        (line   6)
* CREATE USER                           CREATE USER.         (line   6)
* CREATE VIEW                           CREATE VIEW.         (line   6)
* CROSS JOIN                            JOIN.                (line   6)
* Crosses()                             Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  21)
* CURDATE()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line  98)
* CURRENT_DATE                          Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 108)
* CURRENT_TIME                          Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 122)
* CURRENT_TIMESTAMP                     Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 126)
* CURRENT_USER()                        Information functions.
                                                               (line  79)
* CURTIME()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 112)
* CXX environment variable <1>          Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* CXX environment variable <2>          Compilation problems.
                                                               (line  66)
* CXX environment variable              configure options.   (line  70)
* CXXFLAGS environment variable <1>     Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* CXXFLAGS environment variable <2>     Compilation problems.
                                                               (line 126)
* CXXFLAGS environment variable         configure options.   (line  84)
* Database information, obtaining       SHOW.                (line   6)
* DATABASE()                            Information functions.
                                                               (line 102)
* DATE <1>                              Using DATE.          (line   6)
* DATE <2>                              DATETIME.            (line   6)
* DATE                                  Date and time type overview.
                                                               (line  10)
* date and time functions               Date and time functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* DATE()                                Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 131)
* DATE_ADD()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 152)
* DATE_FORMAT()                         Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 265)
* DATE_SUB()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 152)
* DATEDIFF()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 139)
* DATETIME <1>                          DATETIME.            (line   6)
* DATETIME                              Date and time type overview.
                                                               (line  16)
* DAY()                                 Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 340)
* DAYNAME()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 344)
* DAYOFMONTH()                          Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 350)
* DAYOFWEEK()                           Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 356)
* DAYOFYEAR()                           Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 364)
* DBI->quote                            String syntax.       (line 107)
* DBI->trace                            Using gdb on mysqld. (line  86)
* DBI_TRACE environment variable <1>    Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* DBI_TRACE environment variable        Using gdb on mysqld. (line  86)
* DBI_USER environment variable         Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* DEALLOCATE PREPARE                    SQLPS.               (line   6)
* DEC                                   Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 146)
* DECIMAL                               Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 128)
* DECLARE                               DECLARE.             (line   6)
* DECODE()                              Encryption functions.
                                                               (line  48)
* DEFAULT value clause                  CREATE TABLE.        (line 211)
* DEFAULT()                             Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* DEGREES()                             Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line  97)
* DELAYED                               INSERT DELAYED.      (line   6)
* DELETE                                DELETE.              (line   6)
* DES_DECRYPT()                         Encryption functions.
                                                               (line  59)
* DES_ENCRYPT()                         Encryption functions.
                                                               (line  81)
* DESC                                  DESCRIBE.            (line   6)
* DESCRIBE <1>                          DESCRIBE.            (line   6)
* DESCRIBE                              Getting information. (line   6)
* Difference()                          Spatial operators.   (line  20)
* Dimension()                           General geometry property functions.
                                                               (line   9)
* DISCARD TABLESPACE <1>                Multiple tablespaces.
                                                               (line  76)
* DISCARD TABLESPACE                    ALTER TABLE.         (line 259)
* Disjoint()                            Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  39)
* Distance()                            Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  43)
* DISTINCT <1>                          SELECT.              (line 319)
* DISTINCT <2>                          GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line  65)
* DISTINCT <3>                          DISTINCT optimization.
                                                               (line   6)
* DISTINCT                              Selecting columns.   (line  43)
* DISTINCTROW                           SELECT.              (line 319)
* DIV                                   Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  62)
* division (/)                          Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  48)
* DO                                    DO.                  (line   6)
* DOUBLE                                Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 112)
* DOUBLE PRECISION                      Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 122)
* double quote (\")                     String syntax.       (line  34)
* DOUBLE(M,D)                           Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 112)
* DROP DATABASE                         DROP DATABASE.       (line   6)
* DROP FOREIGN KEY <1>                  InnoDB foreign key constraints.
                                                               (line 134)
* DROP FOREIGN KEY                      ALTER TABLE.         (line 208)
* DROP FUNCTION <1>                     CREATE FUNCTION.     (line   6)
* DROP FUNCTION                         DROP PROCEDURE.      (line   6)
* DROP INDEX <1>                        DROP INDEX.          (line   6)
* DROP INDEX                            ALTER TABLE.         (line 153)
* DROP PRIMARY KEY                      ALTER TABLE.         (line 164)
* DROP PROCEDURE                        DROP PROCEDURE.      (line   6)
* DROP SCHEMA                           DROP DATABASE.       (line   6)
* DROP TABLE                            DROP TABLE.          (line   6)
* DROP USER                             DROP USER.           (line   6)
* DROP VIEW                             DROP VIEW.           (line   6)
* DUMPFILE                              SELECT.              (line 293)
* ELT()                                 String functions.    (line 142)
* ENCODE()                              Encryption functions.
                                                               (line  52)
* ENCRYPT()                             Encryption functions.
                                                               (line 136)
* encryption functions                  Encryption functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* END                                   BEGIN END.           (line   6)
* EndPoint()                            Linestring property functions.
                                                               (line  10)
* ENUM <1>                              ENUM.                (line   6)
* ENUM                                  String type overview.
                                                               (line 160)
* Envelope()                            General geometry property functions.
                                                               (line  21)
* Environment variable, CC              Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, CC <1>          Compilation problems.
                                                               (line 126)
* environment variable, CC              configure options.   (line  70)
* Environment variable, CFLAGS          Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, CFLAGS <1>      Compilation problems.
                                                               (line 126)
* environment variable, CFLAGS          configure options.   (line  84)
* Environment variable, CXX             Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, CXX             Compilation problems.
                                                               (line 126)
* Environment variable, CXX             Compilation problems.
                                                               (line  66)
* environment variable, CXX             configure options.   (line  70)
* Environment variable, CXXFLAGS        Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, CXXFLAGS <1>    Compilation problems.
                                                               (line 126)
* environment variable, CXXFLAGS        configure options.   (line  84)
* Environment variable, DBI_TRACE <1>   Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, DBI_TRACE       Using gdb on mysqld. (line  86)
* Environment variable, DBI_USER        Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, HOME            Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, HOME            mysql.               (line 262)
* Environment variable, LD_LIBRARY_PATH Perl support problems.
                                                               (line  24)
* Environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH <1> Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH     Perl support problems.
                                                               (line  24)
* environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH <1> Solaris.             (line 142)
* environment variable, LD_RUN_PATH     Source notes-Linux.  (line 103)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG <1> Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG     Debugging client.    (line  10)
* environment variable, MYSQL_DEBUG     Client-Side Overview.
                                                               (line  75)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_HISTFILE  Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, MYSQL_HISTFILE  mysql.               (line 262)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_HOST      Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, MYSQL_HOST      Connecting.          (line  67)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_PS1       Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_PWD       Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, MYSQL_PWD <1>   Client-Side Overview.
                                                               (line  75)
* environment variable, MYSQL_PWD       Connecting.          (line  67)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT  Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT <1> Client-Side Overview.
                                                               (line  75)
* environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT <2> Multiple-server clients.
                                                               (line  27)
* environment variable, MYSQL_TCP_PORT  Multiple Unix servers.
                                                               (line  56)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT <1> Client-Side Overview.
                                                               (line  75)
* environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT <2> Multiple-server clients.
                                                               (line  27)
* environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT Multiple Unix servers.
                                                               (line  56)
* Environment variable, MYSQL_UNIX_PORT mysql_install_db.    (line  67)
* Environment variable, PATH            Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, PATH            Installing binary.   (line 121)
* Environment variable, TMPDIR <1>      Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, TMPDIR          mysql_install_db.    (line  67)
* Environment variable, TZ <1>          Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, TZ              Timezone problems.   (line   6)
* Environment variable, UMASK <1>       Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, UMASK           File permissions.    (line   6)
* Environment variable, UMASK_DIR <1>   Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* Environment variable, UMASK_DIR       File permissions.    (line  19)
* Environment variable, USER            Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* environment variable, USER            Connecting.          (line  67)
* Environment variables, CXX            Compilation problems.
                                                               (line  76)
* equal (=)                             Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line  70)
* Equals()                              Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  47)
* escape (\\)                           String syntax.       (line  43)
* EXECUTE                               SQLPS.               (line   6)
* EXP()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 103)
* EXPLAIN                               EXPLAIN.             (line   6)
* EXPORT_SET()                          String functions.    (line 152)
* ExteriorRing()                        Polygon property functions.
                                                               (line  18)
* EXTRACT()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 370)
* FALSE                                 Number syntax.       (line   6)
* FETCH                                 FETCH.               (line   6)
* FIELD()                               String functions.    (line 165)
* FILE                                  String functions.    (line 255)
* FIND_IN_SET()                         String functions.    (line 176)
* FIXED                                 Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 146)
* FLOAT                                 Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  85)
* FLOAT(M,D)                            Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 103)
* FLOAT(p)                              Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  85)
* FLOOR()                               Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 112)
* FLUSH                                 FLUSH.               (line   6)
* FOR UPDATE                            SELECT.              (line 308)
* FORCE INDEX <1>                       Optimizer Issues.    (line  25)
* FORCE INDEX <2>                       JOIN.                (line 103)
* FORCE INDEX                           SELECT.              (line  75)
* FORCE KEY <1>                         JOIN.                (line 109)
* FORCE KEY                             SELECT.              (line  75)
* FORMAT()                              Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line  15)
* FOUND_ROWS()                          Information functions.
                                                               (line 111)
* FROM                                  SELECT.              (line  75)
* FROM_DAYS()                           Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 387)
* FROM_UNIXTIME()                       Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 397)
* functions, arithmetic                 Bit functions.       (line   6)
* functions, bit                        Bit functions.       (line   6)
* functions, control flow               Control flow functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* functions, date and time              Date and time functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* functions, encryption                 Encryption functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* functions, GROUP BY                   GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line   6)
* functions, information                Information functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* functions, mathematical               Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line   8)
* functions, miscellaneous              Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* functions, string                     String functions.    (line   6)
* functions, string comparison          String comparison functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* Functions, user-defined               CREATE FUNCTION.     (line   6)
* GeomCollFromText()                    GIS WKT Functions.   (line  14)
* GeomCollFromWKB()                     GIS WKB Functions.   (line  15)
* GEOMETRY                              MySQL spatial datatypes.
                                                               (line   6)
* GEOMETRYCOLLECTION                    MySQL spatial datatypes.
                                                               (line   6)
* GeometryCollection()                  GIS MySQL-Specific Functions.
                                                               (line  16)
* GeometryCollectionFromText()          GIS WKT Functions.   (line  14)
* GeometryCollectionFromWKB()           GIS WKB Functions.   (line  15)
* GeometryFromText()                    GIS WKT Functions.   (line  19)
* GeometryFromWKB()                     GIS WKB Functions.   (line  20)
* GeometryN()                           Geometrycollection property functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* GeometryType()                        General geometry property functions.
                                                               (line  36)
* GeomFromText() <1>                    Functions to convert geometries between formats.
                                                               (line  25)
* GeomFromText()                        GIS WKT Functions.   (line  19)
* GeomFromWKB() <1>                     Functions to convert geometries between formats.
                                                               (line  31)
* GeomFromWKB()                         GIS WKB Functions.   (line  20)
* GET_FORMAT()                          Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 416)
* GET_LOCK()                            Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line  27)
* GLength() <1>                         Multilinestring property functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* GLength()                             Linestring property functions.
                                                               (line  22)
* GRANT                                 GRANT.               (line   6)
* GRANT statement <1>                   Secure GRANT.        (line   6)
* GRANT statement                       Adding users.        (line   6)
* GRANTS                                SHOW GRANTS.         (line   6)
* greater than (>)                      Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 126)
* greater than or equal (>=)            Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 120)
* GREATEST()                            Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 207)
* GROUP BY                              GROUP BY optimization.
                                                               (line   6)
* GROUP BY functions                    GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line   6)
* GROUP_CONCAT()                        GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line  77)
* HANDLER                               HANDLER.             (line   6)
* HAVING                                SELECT.              (line 159)
* HEX()                                 String functions.    (line 190)
* hexadecimal values                    Hexadecimal values.  (line   6)
* HIGH_PRIORITY                         SELECT.              (line 328)
* HOME environment variable <1>         Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* HOME environment variable             mysql.               (line 262)
* host.frm, problems finding            Unix post-installation.
                                                               (line 181)
* HOUR()                                Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 451)
* identifiers, quoting                  Legal names.         (line  42)
* IF                                    IF Statement.        (line   6)
* IF()                                  Control flow functions.
                                                               (line  29)
* IFNULL()                              Control flow functions.
                                                               (line  77)
* IGNORE INDEX <1>                      JOIN.                (line  95)
* IGNORE INDEX                          SELECT.              (line  75)
* IGNORE KEY <1>                        JOIN.                (line 109)
* IGNORE KEY                            SELECT.              (line  75)
* IMPORT TABLESPACE <1>                 Multiple tablespaces.
                                                               (line  76)
* IMPORT TABLESPACE                     ALTER TABLE.         (line 259)
* IN                                    Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 220)
* INET_ATON()                           Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line  60)
* INET_NTOA()                           Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line  80)
* information functions                 Information functions.
                                                               (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* INFORMATION_SCHEMA                    INFORMATION_SCHEMA.  (line   6)
* INNER JOIN                            JOIN.                (line   6)
* INSERT <1>                            INSERT.              (line   6)
* INSERT                                Insert speed.        (line   6)
* INSERT ... SELECT                     INSERT.              (line 248)
* INSERT DELAYED                        INSERT DELAYED.      (line   6)
* INSERT statement, grant privileges    Adding users.        (line  84)
* INSERT()                              String functions.    (line 206)
* INSTR()                               String functions.    (line 223)
* INT                                   Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  43)
* INTEGER                               Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  47)
* InteriorRingN()                       Polygon property functions.
                                                               (line  30)
* Intersection()                        Spatial operators.   (line  24)
* Intersects()                          Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  51)
* INTERVAL()                            Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 261)
* IS boolean_value                      Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 132)
* IS NOT boolean_value                  Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 132)
* IS NOT NULL                           Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 144)
* IS NULL <1>                           Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 144)
* IS NULL                               IS NULL optimization.
                                                               (line   6)
* IS NULL, and indexes                  MySQL indexes.       (line 117)
* IS_FREE_LOCK()                        Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line  89)
* IS_USED_LOCK()                        Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line  97)
* IsClosed() <1>                        Multilinestring property functions.
                                                               (line  19)
* IsClosed()                            Linestring property functions.
                                                               (line  34)
* IsEmpty()                             General geometry property functions.
                                                               (line  71)
* ISNULL()                              Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 249)
* ISOLATION LEVEL                       SET TRANSACTION.     (line   6)
* IsRing()                              Linestring property functions.
                                                               (line  86)
* IsSimple()                            General geometry property functions.
                                                               (line  76)
* ITERATE                               ITERATE Statement.   (line   6)
* JOIN                                  JOIN.                (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* KILL                                  KILL.                (line   6)
* LAST_DAY()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 464)
* LAST_INSERT_ID() <1>                  INSERT.              (line 200)
* LAST_INSERT_ID()                      ANSI diff Transactions.
                                                               (line 157)
* LAST_INSERT_ID([EXPR])                Information functions.
                                                               (line 171)
* LCASE()                               String functions.    (line 237)
* LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable  Perl support problems.
                                                               (line  24)
* LD_RUN_PATH environment variable <1>  Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* LD_RUN_PATH environment variable <2>  Perl support problems.
                                                               (line  24)
* LD_RUN_PATH environment variable <3>  Solaris.             (line 142)
* LD_RUN_PATH environment variable      Source notes-Linux.  (line 103)
* LEAST()                               Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 274)
* LEAVE                                 LEAVE Statement.     (line   6)
* LEFT JOIN <1>                         JOIN.                (line   6)
* LEFT JOIN                             LEFT JOIN optimization.
                                                               (line   6)
* LEFT OUTER JOIN                       JOIN.                (line   6)
* LEFT()                                String functions.    (line 240)
* LENGTH()                              String functions.    (line 246)
* less than (<)                         Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 114)
* less than or equal (<=)               Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 108)
* LIKE                                  String comparison functions.
                                                               (line  31)
* LIKE, and indexes                     MySQL indexes.       (line  92)
* LIKE, and wildcards                   MySQL indexes.       (line  92)
* LIMIT <1>                             SELECT.              (line 211)
* LIMIT <2>                             Information functions.
                                                               (line 111)
* LIMIT                                 LIMIT optimization.  (line   6)
* linefeed (\n)                         String syntax.       (line  36)
* LineFromText()                        GIS WKT Functions.   (line  24)
* LineFromWKB()                         GIS WKB Functions.   (line  25)
* LINESTRING                            MySQL spatial datatypes.
                                                               (line   6)
* LineString()                          GIS MySQL-Specific Functions.
                                                               (line  21)
* LineStringFromText()                  GIS WKT Functions.   (line  24)
* LineStringFromWKB()                   GIS WKB Functions.   (line  25)
* LN()                                  Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 122)
                                                               (line   6)
* LOAD DATA INFILE <1>                  Problems with NULL.  (line  50)
* LOAD DATA INFILE                      LOAD DATA.           (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* LOAD_FILE()                           String functions.    (line 255)
* LOCALTIME                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 480)
* LOCALTIMESTAMP                        Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 485)
* LOCATE()                              String functions.    (line 274)
* LOCK IN SHARE MODE                    SELECT.              (line 308)
* LOCK TABLES                           LOCK TABLES.         (line   6)
* LOG()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 133)
* LOG10()                               Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 165)
* LOG2()                                Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 153)
* logical operators                     Logical Operators.   (line   6)
* LONG                                  BLOB.                (line   6)
* LONGBLOB                              String type overview.
                                                               (line 151)
* LONGTEXT                              String type overview.
                                                               (line 151)
* LOOP                                  LOOP Statement.      (line   6)
* LOWER()                               String functions.    (line 293)
* LPAD()                                String functions.    (line 303)
* LTRIM()                               String functions.    (line 313)
* MAKE_SET()                            String functions.    (line 321)
* MAKEDATE()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 490)
* MAKETIME()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 503)
* MASTER_POS_WAIT() <1>                 MASTER_POS_WAIT.     (line   6)
* MASTER_POS_WAIT()                     Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line 104)
* MATCH ... AGAINST()                   Fulltext Search.     (line  14)
* mathematical functions                Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line   8)
* MAX()                                 GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line 127)
* MAX_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOUR              User resources.      (line   6)
* MAX_QUERIES_PER_HOUR                  User resources.      (line   6)
* MAX_UPDATES_PER_HOUR                  User resources.      (line   6)
* MAX_USER_CONNECTIONS                  User resources.      (line   6)
* MBRContains()                         Relations on geometry MBR.
                                                               (line   9)
* MBRDisjoint()                         Relations on geometry MBR.
                                                               (line  22)
* MBREqual()                            Relations on geometry MBR.
                                                               (line  27)
* MBRIntersects()                       Relations on geometry MBR.
                                                               (line  31)
* MBROverlaps()                         Relations on geometry MBR.
                                                               (line  35)
* MBRTouches()                          Relations on geometry MBR.
                                                               (line  39)
* MBRWithin()                           Relations on geometry MBR.
                                                               (line  43)
* MD5()                                 Encryption functions.
                                                               (line 154)
* MEDIUMBLOB                            String type overview.
                                                               (line 146)
* MEDIUMINT                             Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  39)
* MEDIUMTEXT                            String type overview.
                                                               (line 146)
* MICROSECOND()                         Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 512)
* MID()                                 String functions.    (line 337)
* MIN()                                 GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line 127)
* minus, unary (-)                      Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  24)
* MINUTE()                              Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 523)
* miscellaneous functions               Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* MLineFromText()                       GIS WKT Functions.   (line  29)
* MLineFromWKB()                        GIS WKB Functions.   (line  30)
* MOD (modulo)                          Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 175)
* MOD()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 175)
* modulo (%)                            Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 175)
* modulo (MOD)                          Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 175)
* MONTH()                               Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 529)
* MONTHNAME()                           Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 535)
* MPointFromText()                      GIS WKT Functions.   (line  34)
* MPointFromWKB()                       GIS WKB Functions.   (line  35)
* MPolyFromText()                       GIS WKT Functions.   (line  39)
* MPolyFromWKB()                        GIS WKB Functions.   (line  40)
* MULTILINESTRING                       MySQL spatial datatypes.
                                                               (line   6)
* MultiLineString()                     GIS MySQL-Specific Functions.
                                                               (line  27)
* MultiLineStringFromText()             GIS WKT Functions.   (line  29)
* MultiLineStringFromWKB()              GIS WKB Functions.   (line  30)
* multiplication (*)                    Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  34)
* MULTIPOINT                            MySQL spatial datatypes.
                                                               (line   6)
* MultiPoint()                          GIS MySQL-Specific Functions.
                                                               (line  32)
* MultiPointFromText()                  GIS WKT Functions.   (line  34)
* MultiPointFromWKB()                   GIS WKB Functions.   (line  35)
* MULTIPOLYGON                          MySQL spatial datatypes.
                                                               (line   6)
* MultiPolygon()                        GIS MySQL-Specific Functions.
                                                               (line  36)
* MultiPolygonFromText()                GIS WKT Functions.   (line  39)
* MultiPolygonFromWKB()                 GIS WKB Functions.   (line  40)
* my_init()                             my_init.             (line   6)
* my_ulonglong C type                   C API datatypes.     (line  36)
* my_ulonglong values, printing         C API datatypes.     (line  36)
* MySQL C type                          C API Prepared statement datatypes.
                                                               (line 121)
* MYSQL C type                          C API datatypes.     (line   6)
* mysql_affected_rows()                 mysql_affected_rows. (line   6)
* mysql_autocommit().                   mysql_autocommit.    (line   6)
* MYSQL_BIND C type                     C API Prepared statement datatypes.
                                                               (line  28)
* mysql_change_user()                   mysql_change_user.   (line   6)
* mysql_character_set_name()            mysql_character_set_name.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_close()                         mysql_close.         (line   6)
* mysql_commit().                       mysql_commit.        (line   6)
* mysql_connect()                       mysql_connect.       (line   6)
* mysql_create_db()                     mysql_create_db.     (line   6)
* mysql_data_seek()                     mysql_data_seek.     (line   6)
* MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable <1>  Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable <2>  Debugging client.    (line  10)
* MYSQL_DEBUG environment variable      Client-Side Overview.
                                                               (line  75)
* mysql_debug()                         mysql_debug.         (line   6)
* mysql_drop_db()                       mysql_drop_db.       (line   6)
* mysql_dump_debug_info()               mysql_dump_debug_info.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_eof()                           mysql_eof.           (line   6)
* mysql_errno()                         mysql_errno.         (line   6)
* mysql_error()                         mysql_error.         (line   6)
* mysql_escape_string()                 mysql_escape_string. (line   6)
* mysql_fetch_field()                   mysql_fetch_field.   (line   6)
* mysql_fetch_field_direct()            mysql_fetch_field_direct.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_fetch_fields()                  mysql_fetch_fields.  (line   6)
* mysql_fetch_lengths()                 mysql_fetch_lengths. (line   6)
* mysql_fetch_row()                     mysql_fetch_row.     (line   6)
* MYSQL_FIELD C type                    C API datatypes.     (line  23)
* mysql_field_count() <1>               mysql_num_fields.    (line   6)
* mysql_field_count()                   mysql_field_count.   (line   6)
* MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET C type             C API datatypes.     (line  31)
* mysql_field_seek()                    mysql_field_seek.    (line   6)
* mysql_field_tell()                    mysql_field_tell.    (line   6)
* mysql_free_result()                   mysql_free_result.   (line   6)
* mysql_get_client_info()               mysql_get_client_info.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_get_client_version()            mysql_get_client_version.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_get_host_info()                 mysql_get_host_info. (line   6)
* mysql_get_proto_info()                mysql_get_proto_info.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_get_server_info()               mysql_get_server_info.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_get_server_version()            mysql_get_server_version.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_hex_string()                    mysql_hex_string.    (line   6)
* MYSQL_HISTFILE environment variable <1> Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* MYSQL_HISTFILE environment variable   mysql.               (line 262)
* MYSQL_HOST environment variable <1>   Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* MYSQL_HOST environment variable       Connecting.          (line  67)
* mysql_info() <1>                      mysql_info.          (line   6)
* mysql_info() <2>                      ALTER TABLE.         (line 276)
* mysql_info() <3>                      UPDATE.              (line  60)
* mysql_info() <4>                      LOAD DATA.           (line 482)
* mysql_info()                          INSERT.              (line 245)
* mysql_init()                          mysql_init.          (line   6)
* mysql_insert_id() <1>                 mysql_insert_id.     (line   6)
* mysql_insert_id() <2>                 INSERT.              (line 200)
* mysql_insert_id()                     ANSI diff Transactions.
                                                               (line 157)
* mysql_kill()                          mysql_kill.          (line   6)
* mysql_library_end()                   mysql_library_end.   (line   6)
* mysql_library_init()                  mysql_library_init.  (line   6)
* mysql_list_dbs()                      mysql_list_dbs.      (line   6)
* mysql_list_fields()                   mysql_list_fields.   (line   6)
* mysql_list_processes()                mysql_list_processes.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_list_tables()                   mysql_list_tables.   (line   6)
* mysql_more_results().                 mysql_more_results.  (line   6)
* mysql_next_result().                  mysql_next_result.   (line   6)
* mysql_num_fields()                    mysql_num_fields.    (line   6)
* mysql_num_rows()                      mysql_num_rows.      (line   6)
* mysql_options()                       mysql_options.       (line   6)
* mysql_ping()                          mysql_ping.          (line   6)
* MYSQL_PS1 environment variable        Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* MYSQL_PWD environment variable <1>    Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* MYSQL_PWD environment variable <2>    Client-Side Overview.
                                                               (line  75)
* MYSQL_PWD environment variable        Connecting.          (line  67)
* mysql_query() <1>                     C API problems.      (line   6)
* mysql_query()                         mysql_query.         (line   6)
* mysql_real_connect()                  mysql_real_connect.  (line   6)
* mysql_real_escape_string() <1>        mysql_real_escape_string.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_real_escape_string()            String syntax.       (line 107)
* mysql_real_query()                    mysql_real_query.    (line   6)
* mysql_reload()                        mysql_reload.        (line   6)
* MYSQL_RES C type                      C API datatypes.     (line  10)
* mysql_rollback().                     mysql_rollback.      (line   6)
* MYSQL_ROW C type                      C API datatypes.     (line  16)
* mysql_row_seek()                      mysql_row_seek.      (line   6)
* mysql_row_tell()                      mysql_row_tell.      (line   6)
* mysql_select_db()                     mysql_select_db.     (line   6)
* mysql_server_end()                    mysql_server_end.    (line   6)
* mysql_server_init()                   mysql_server_init.   (line   6)
* mysql_set_sever_option()              mysql_set_server_option.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_shutdown()                      mysql_shutdown.      (line   6)
* mysql_sqlstate()                      mysql_sqlstate.      (line   6)
* mysql_ssl_set()                       mysql_ssl_set.       (line   6)
* mysql_stat()                          mysql_stat.          (line   6)
* MYSQL_STMT C type                     C API Prepared statement datatypes.
                                                               (line  14)
* mysql_stmt_affected_rows()            mysql_stmt_affected_rows.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_attr_get()                 mysql_stmt_attr_get. (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_attr_set()                 mysql_stmt_attr_set. (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_bind_param()               mysql_stmt_bind_param.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_bind_result()              mysql_stmt_bind_result.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_close()                    mysql_stmt_close.    (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_data_seek()                mysql_stmt_data_seek.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_errno()                    mysql_stmt_errno.    (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_error().                   mysql_stmt_error.    (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_execute()                  mysql_stmt_execute.  (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_fetch()                    mysql_stmt_fetch.    (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_fetch_column()             mysql_stmt_fetch_column.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_field_count()              mysql_stmt_field_count.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_free_result()              mysql_stmt_free_result.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_init()                     mysql_stmt_init.     (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_insert_id()                mysql_stmt_insert_id.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_num_rows()                 mysql_stmt_num_rows. (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_param_count()              mysql_stmt_param_count.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_param_metadata()           mysql_stmt_param_metadata.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_prepare()                  mysql_stmt_prepare.  (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_reset()                    mysql_stmt_reset.    (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_result_metadata.           mysql_stmt_result_metadata.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_row_seek()                 mysql_stmt_row_seek. (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_row_tell()                 mysql_stmt_row_tell. (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_send_long_data().          mysql_stmt_send_long_data.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_sqlstate()                 mysql_stmt_sqlstate. (line   6)
* mysql_stmt_store_result()             mysql_stmt_store_result.
                                                               (line   6)
* mysql_store_result() <1>              C API problems.      (line   6)
* mysql_store_result()                  mysql_store_result.  (line   6)
* MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable <1> Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable <2> Client-Side Overview.
                                                               (line  75)
* MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable <3> Multiple-server clients.
                                                               (line  27)
* MYSQL_TCP_PORT environment variable   Multiple Unix servers.
                                                               (line  56)
* mysql_thread_end()                    mysql_thread_end.    (line   6)
* mysql_thread_id()                     mysql_thread_id.     (line   6)
* mysql_thread_init()                   mysql_thread_init.   (line   6)
* mysql_thread_safe()                   mysql_thread_safe.   (line   6)
* MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable <1> Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable <2> Client-Side Overview.
                                                               (line  75)
* MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable <3> Multiple-server clients.
                                                               (line  27)
* MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable <4> Multiple Unix servers.
                                                               (line  56)
* MYSQL_UNIX_PORT environment variable  mysql_install_db.    (line  67)
* mysql_use_result()                    mysql_use_result.    (line   6)
* mysql_warning_count().                mysql_warning_count. (line   6)
* NATIONAL CHAR                         String type overview.
                                                               (line  50)
* NATURAL LEFT JOIN                     JOIN.                (line   6)
* NATURAL LEFT OUTER JOIN               JOIN.                (line   6)
* NATURAL RIGHT JOIN                    JOIN.                (line   6)
* NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN              JOIN.                (line   6)
* NCHAR                                 String type overview.
                                                               (line  50)
* newline (\n)                          String syntax.       (line  36)
* NOT BETWEEN                           Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 194)
* not equal (!=)                        Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line  97)
* not equal (<>)                        Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line  97)
* NOT IN                                Comparison Operators.
                                                               (line 246)
* NOT LIKE                              String comparison functions.
                                                               (line  91)
* NOT REGEXP                            String comparison functions.
                                                               (line  94)
* NOT, logical                          Logical Operators.   (line  11)
* NOW()                                 Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 541)
* NUL                                   String syntax.       (line  32)
* NULL <1>                              Problems with NULL.  (line   6)
* NULL                                  Working with NULL.   (line   6)
* NULL value                            NULL values.         (line   6)
* NULLIF()                              Control flow functions.
                                                               (line 103)
* NUMERIC                               Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 146)
* NumGeometries()                       Geometrycollection property functions.
                                                               (line  18)
* NumInteriorRings()                    Polygon property functions.
                                                               (line  42)
* NumPoints()                           Linestring property functions.
                                                               (line  47)
* OCT()                                 String functions.    (line 340)
* OCTET_LENGTH()                        String functions.    (line 348)
* OLAP                                  GROUP-BY-Modifiers.  (line   6)
* OLD_PASSWORD()                        Encryption functions.
                                                               (line 171)
* OPEN                                  OPEN.                (line   6)
* operators, logical                    Logical Operators.   (line   6)
* OPTIMIZE TABLE                        OPTIMIZE TABLE.      (line   6)
* OR <1>                                Index Merge optimization.
                                                               (line   6)
* OR                                    Searching on two keys.
                                                               (line   6)
* OR, bitwise                           Bit functions.       (line   9)
* OR, logical                           Logical Operators.   (line  54)
* ORD()                                 String functions.    (line 351)
* ORDER BY <1>                          ALTER TABLE.         (line 173)
* ORDER BY <2>                          SELECT.              (line 124)
* ORDER BY                              Sorting rows.        (line   6)
* OUTFILE                               SELECT.              (line 238)
* Overlaps()                            Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  55)
* parentheses ( and )                   Parentheses.         (line   6)
* PASSWORD() <1>                        Ignoring user.       (line  28)
* PASSWORD() <2>                        Encryption functions.
                                                               (line 177)
* PASSWORD() <3>                        Passwords.           (line   6)
* PASSWORD()                            Connection access.   (line  87)
* PATH environment variable <1>         Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* PATH environment variable             Installing binary.   (line 121)
* PERIOD_ADD()                          Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 551)
* PERIOD_DIFF()                         Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 559)
* PI()                                  Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 204)
* POINT                                 MySQL spatial datatypes.
                                                               (line   6)
* Point()                               GIS MySQL-Specific Functions.
                                                               (line  41)
* PointFromText()                       GIS WKT Functions.   (line  44)
* PointFromWKB()                        GIS WKB Functions.   (line  45)
* PointN()                              Linestring property functions.
                                                               (line  58)
* PointOnSurface()                      Multipolygon property functions.
                                                               (line  28)
* PolyFromText()                        GIS WKT Functions.   (line  47)
* PolyFromWKB()                         GIS WKB Functions.   (line  48)
* POLYGON                               MySQL spatial datatypes.
                                                               (line   6)
* Polygon()                             GIS MySQL-Specific Functions.
                                                               (line  44)
* PolygonFromText()                     GIS WKT Functions.   (line  47)
* PolygonFromWKB()                      GIS WKB Functions.   (line  48)
* POSITION()                            String functions.    (line 366)
* POW()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 214)
* POWER()                               Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 214)
* PREPARE                               SQLPS.               (line   6)
* PRIMARY KEY <1>                       CREATE TABLE.        (line 296)
* PRIMARY KEY                           ALTER TABLE.         (line 169)
* PROCEDURE                             SELECT.              (line 305)
* PROCESSLIST                           SHOW PROCESSLIST.    (line   6)
* PURGE MASTER LOGS                     PURGE MASTER LOGS.   (line   6)
* QUARTER()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 567)
* QUOTE()                               String functions.    (line 369)
* quoting of identifiers                Legal names.         (line  42)
* RADIANS()                             Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 223)
* RAND()                                Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 229)
* REAL                                  Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line 122)
* ref_or_null                           IS NULL optimization.
                                                               (line   6)
* REGEXP                                String comparison functions.
                                                               (line  98)
* Related()                             Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  61)
* RELEASE_LOCK()                        Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line 124)
* RENAME TABLE                          RENAME TABLE.        (line   6)
* RENAME USER                           RENAME USER.         (line   6)
* REPAIR TABLE                          REPAIR TABLE.        (line   6)
* REPEAT                                REPEAT Statement.    (line   6)
* REPEAT()                              String functions.    (line 383)
* REPLACE                               REPLACE.             (line   6)
* REPLACE ... SELECT                    INSERT.              (line 248)
* REPLACE()                             String functions.    (line 391)
* REQUIRE GRANT option <1>              GRANT.               (line 353)
* REQUIRE GRANT option                  Secure GRANT.        (line   6)
* RESET MASTER                          RESET MASTER.        (line   6)
* RESET SLAVE                           RESET SLAVE.         (line   6)
* RESTORE TABLE                         RESTORE TABLE.       (line   6)
* return (\r)                           String syntax.       (line  37)
* REVERSE()                             String functions.    (line 400)
* REVOKE                                GRANT.               (line   6)
* RIGHT JOIN                            JOIN.                (line   6)
* RIGHT OUTER JOIN                      JOIN.                (line   6)
* RIGHT()                               String functions.    (line 408)
* RLIKE                                 String comparison functions.
                                                               (line  98)
* ROLLBACK <1>                          COMMIT.              (line   6)
* ROLLBACK                              ANSI diff Transactions.
                                                               (line   6)
* ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT                 Savepoints.          (line   6)
* ROLLUP                                GROUP-BY-Modifiers.  (line   6)
* ROUND()                               Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 266)
* ROUTINES, INFORMATION_SCHEMA table    ROUTINES Table.      (line   6)
* ROW_COUNT()                           Information functions.
                                                               (line 237)
* RPAD()                                String functions.    (line 416)
* RTRIM()                               String functions.    (line 428)
* SAVEPOINT                             Savepoints.          (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* SCHEMATA, INFORMATION_SCHEMA table    SCHEMATA Table.      (line   6)
* SEC_TO_TIME()                         Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 579)
* SECOND()                              Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 573)
* SELECT INTO                           SELECT INTO Statement.
                                                               (line   6)
* SELECT INTO TABLE                     ANSI diff SELECT INTO TABLE.
                                                               (line   6)
* SELECT speed                          SELECT speed.        (line   6)
* SELECT, LIMIT                         SELECT.              (line   6)
* SELECT, optimizing                    EXPLAIN.             (line   6)
* SESSION_USER()                        Information functions.
                                                               (line 268)
* SET <1>                               SET Statement.       (line   6)
* SET <2>                               SET OPTION.          (line   6)
* SET <3>                               SET.                 (line   6)
* SET                                   String type overview.
                                                               (line 167)
                                                               (line   6)
* SET OPTION                            SET OPTION.          (line   6)
* SET PASSWORD                          SET PASSWORD.        (line   6)
* SET PASSWORD statement                Passwords.           (line   6)
* SET SQL_LOG_BIN                       SET SQL_LOG_BIN.     (line   6)
* SET TRANSACTION                       SET TRANSACTION.     (line   6)
* SHA()                                 Encryption functions.
                                                               (line 197)
* SHA1()                                Encryption functions.
                                                               (line 197)
* SHOW BINARY LOGS                      SHOW MASTER LOGS.    (line   6)
* SHOW BINLOG EVENTS <1>                SHOW BINLOG EVENTS.  (line   6)
* SHOW BINLOG EVENTS                    SHOW.                (line  38)
* SHOW CHARACTER SET                    SHOW CHARACTER SET.  (line   6)
* SHOW COLLATION                        SHOW COLLATION.      (line   6)
* SHOW COLUMNS <1>                      SHOW COLUMNS.        (line   6)
* SHOW COLUMNS                          SHOW.                (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* SHOW CREATE DATABASE                  SHOW.                (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* SHOW CREATE SCHEMA                    SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW CREATE TABLE <1>                 SHOW CREATE TABLE.   (line   6)
* SHOW CREATE TABLE                     SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW CREATE VIEW                      SHOW CREATE VIEW.    (line   6)
* SHOW DATABASES <1>                    SHOW DATABASES.      (line   6)
* SHOW DATABASES                        SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW ENGINES <1>                      SHOW ENGINES.        (line   6)
* SHOW ENGINES                          SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW ERRORS <1>                       SHOW ERRORS.         (line   6)
* SHOW ERRORS                           SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW extensions                       Extended SHOW.       (line   6)
* SHOW FIELDS                           SHOW.                (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* SHOW GRANTS <1>                       SHOW GRANTS.         (line   6)
* SHOW GRANTS                           SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW INDEX <1>                        SHOW INDEX.          (line   6)
* SHOW INDEX                            SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW INNODB STATUS                    SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW KEYS <1>                         SHOW INDEX.          (line   6)
* SHOW KEYS                             SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW MASTER LOGS <1>                  SHOW MASTER LOGS.    (line   6)
* SHOW MASTER LOGS                      SHOW.                (line  38)
* SHOW MASTER STATUS <1>                SHOW MASTER STATUS.  (line   6)
* SHOW MASTER STATUS                    SHOW.                (line  38)
* SHOW PRIVILEGES <1>                   SHOW PRIVILEGES.     (line   6)
* SHOW PRIVILEGES                       SHOW.                (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* SHOW PROCESSLIST <1>                  SHOW PROCESSLIST.    (line   6)
* SHOW PROCESSLIST                      SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW SCHEMAS <1>                      SHOW DATABASES.      (line   6)
* SHOW SCHEMAS                          SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW SLAVE HOSTS <1>                  SHOW SLAVE HOSTS.    (line   6)
* SHOW SLAVE HOSTS                      SHOW.                (line  38)
* SHOW SLAVE STATUS <1>                 SHOW SLAVE STATUS.   (line   6)
* SHOW SLAVE STATUS                     SHOW.                (line  38)
* SHOW STATUS                           SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW STORAGE ENGINES                  SHOW ENGINES.        (line   6)
* SHOW TABLE STATUS                     SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW TABLE TYPES <1>                  SHOW ENGINES.        (line   6)
* SHOW TABLE TYPES                      SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW TABLES <1>                       SHOW TABLES.         (line   6)
* SHOW TABLES                           SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW VARIABLES                        SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW WARNINGS <1>                     SHOW WARNINGS.       (line   6)
* SHOW WARNINGS                         SHOW.                (line   6)
* SHOW with WHERE <1>                   Extended SHOW.       (line   6)
* SHOW with WHERE                       INFORMATION_SCHEMA.  (line   6)
* SIGN()                                Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 292)
* SIN()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 303)
* single quote (\')                     String syntax.       (line  33)
* SMALLINT                              Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  35)
* SOUNDEX()                             String functions.    (line 436)
* SOUNDS LIKE                           String functions.    (line 456)
* SPACE()                               String functions.    (line 460)
* SQL_BIG_RESULT                        SELECT.              (line 344)
* SQL_BUFFER_RESULT                     SELECT.              (line 350)
* SQL_CACHE <1>                         SELECT.              (line 371)
* SQL_CACHE                             Query Cache in SELECT.
                                                               (line   9)
* SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS                   SELECT.              (line 361)
* SQL_NO_CACHE <1>                      SELECT.              (line 377)
* SQL_NO_CACHE                          Query Cache in SELECT.
                                                               (line   9)
* SQL_SMALL_RESULT                      SELECT.              (line 355)
* SQRT()                                Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 309)
* SRID()                                General geometry property functions.
                                                               (line  48)
* START SLAVE                           START SLAVE.         (line   6)
* START TRANSACTION                     COMMIT.              (line   6)
* StartPoint()                          Linestring property functions.
                                                               (line  70)
* statements, GRANT                     Adding users.        (line   6)
* statements, INSERT                    Adding users.        (line  84)
* STD()                                 GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line 142)
* STDDEV()                              GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line 142)
* STOP SLAVE                            STOP SLAVE.          (line   6)
* STR_TO_DATE()                         Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 589)
* STRAIGHT_JOIN <1>                     JOIN.                (line   6)
* STRAIGHT_JOIN                         SELECT.              (line 338)
* STRCMP()                              String comparison functions.
                                                               (line 132)
* string comparison functions           String comparison functions.
                                                               (line   6)
* string functions                      String functions.    (line   6)
* SUBDATE()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 625)
* SUBSTRING()                           String functions.    (line 466)
* SUBSTRING_INDEX()                     String functions.    (line 485)
* SUBTIME()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 643)
* subtraction (-)                       Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  18)
* SUM()                                 GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line 148)
* SymDifference()                       Spatial operators.   (line  28)
* SYSDATE()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 656)
* SYSTEM_USER()                         Information functions.
                                                               (line 271)
* tab (\t)                              String syntax.       (line  38)
* table_cache                           Table cache.         (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* TABLES, INFORMATION_SCHEMA table      TABLES Table.        (line   6)
* TAN()                                 Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 317)
* TEXT <1>                              BLOB.                (line   6)
* TEXT                                  String type overview.
                                                               (line 141)
* threads                               SHOW PROCESSLIST.    (line   6)
* TIME <1>                              TIME.                (line   6)
* TIME                                  Date and time type overview.
                                                               (line  52)
* TIME()                                Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 659)
* TIME_FORMAT()                         Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 729)
* TIME_TO_SEC()                         Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 743)
* TIMEDIFF()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 669)
* TIMESTAMP <1>                         DATETIME.            (line   6)
* TIMESTAMP                             Date and time type overview.
                                                               (line  22)
* TIMESTAMP()                           Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 683)
* TIMESTAMPADD()                        Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 697)
* TIMESTAMPDIFF()                       Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 715)
* TINYBLOB                              String type overview.
                                                               (line 136)
* TINYINT                               Numeric type overview.
                                                               (line  21)
* TINYTEXT                              String type overview.
                                                               (line 136)
* TMPDIR environment variable <1>       Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* TMPDIR environment variable           mysql_install_db.    (line  67)
* TO_DAYS()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 751)
* Touches()                             Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  67)
* trace DBI method                      Using gdb on mysqld. (line  86)
* TRIM()                                String functions.    (line 499)
* TRUE                                  Number syntax.       (line   6)
* TRUNCATE                              TRUNCATE.            (line   6)
* TRUNCATE()                            Mathematical functions.
                                                               (line 323)
* Types                                 Column types.        (line  45)
* TZ environment variable <1>           Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* TZ environment variable               Timezone problems.   (line   6)
* UCASE()                               String functions.    (line 517)
* UDF functions                         CREATE FUNCTION.     (line   6)
* ulimit                                Not enough file handles.
                                                               (line  30)
* UMASK environment variable <1>        Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* UMASK environment variable            File permissions.    (line   6)
* UMASK_DIR environment variable <1>    Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* UMASK_DIR environment variable        File permissions.    (line  19)
* unary minus (-)                       Arithmetic functions.
                                                               (line  24)
* UNCOMPRESS()                          String functions.    (line 520)
* UNCOMPRESSED_LENGTH()                 String functions.    (line 534)
* UNHEX()                               String functions.    (line 542)
* UNION <1>                             UNION.               (line   6)
* UNION                                 Searching on two keys.
                                                               (line   6)
* Union()                               Spatial operators.   (line  32)
* UNIQUE                                ALTER TABLE.         (line 169)
* UNIX_TIMESTAMP()                      Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 775)
* UNLOCK TABLES                         LOCK TABLES.         (line   6)
* UNTIL                                 REPEAT Statement.    (line   6)
* UPDATE                                UPDATE.              (line   6)
* UPPER()                               String functions.    (line 559)
* USE                                   USE.                 (line   6)
* USE INDEX <1>                         JOIN.                (line  95)
* USE INDEX                             SELECT.              (line  75)
* USE KEY <1>                           JOIN.                (line 109)
* USE KEY                               SELECT.              (line  75)
* USER environment variable <1>         Environment variables.
                                                               (line  18)
* USER environment variable             Connecting.          (line  67)
* USER()                                Information functions.
                                                               (line 274)
* User-defined functions                CREATE FUNCTION.     (line   6)
                                                               (line   6)
* UTC_DATE()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 801)
* UTC_TIME()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 812)
* UTC_TIMESTAMP()                       Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 823)
* UUID()                                Miscellaneous functions.
                                                               (line 135)
* VARBINARY                             String type overview.
                                                               (line 130)
* VARCHAR <1>                           String types.        (line   6)
* VARCHAR                               String type overview.
                                                               (line  95)
* VARCHARACTER                          String type overview.
                                                               (line  95)
* VARIANCE()                            GROUP-BY-Functions.  (line 152)
* VERSION()                             Information functions.
                                                               (line 299)
* VIEWS, INFORMATION_SCHEMA table       VIEWS Table.         (line   6)
* WEEK()                                Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 834)
* WEEKDAY()                             Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 902)
* WEEKOFYEAR()                          Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 911)
* WHERE                                 Where optimizations. (line   6)
* WHERE, with SHOW <1>                  Extended SHOW.       (line   6)
* WHERE, with SHOW                      INFORMATION_SCHEMA.  (line   6)
* WHILE                                 WHILE Statement.     (line   6)
* Wildcard character (%)                String syntax.       (line  44)
* Wildcard character (_)                String syntax.       (line  45)
* Within()                              Functions that test spatial relationships between geometries.
                                                               (line  74)
* without-server option                 configure options.   (line   6)
* X()                                   Point property functions.
                                                               (line   9)
* XOR, bitwise                          Bit functions.       (line  25)
* XOR, logical                          Logical Operators.   (line  73)
* Y()                                   Point property functions.
                                                               (line  19)
* YEAR <1>                              YEAR.                (line   6)
* YEAR                                  Date and time type overview.
                                                               (line  57)
* YEAR()                                Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 921)
* YEARWEEK()                            Date and time functions.
                                                               (line 927)
* | (bitwise OR)                        Bit functions.       (line   9)
* || (logical OR)                       Logical Operators.   (line  54)
* ~                                     Bit functions.       (line  55)
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