Understanding system administration

Understanding system administration

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        Understanding the basics
                What is system administration?
                What to read if you are new
                Keeping a system log
                The superuser account
                The keyboard
                Running programs simultaneously with multiscreen displays
                System security
        Educating users
        Planning your site
                User resource considerations
                Network considerations
                Hardware considerations
        Summary of system administration tasks

Administering your system with SCOadmin
        Starting SCOadmin from the command line
        About Sysadmsh Legacy
        Refreshing data in the display
        Using point help
        Using the toolbar
        Using SCOadmin in character mode
                Navigating the character screen
                Using character buttons
        Administering other systems with SCOadmin
                Problems with multiple invocations
                Making selections in character mode
        Using the System Defaults Manager
                Changing the default editor
        Controlling processes with the Process Manager
                Viewing processes
                        Viewing all processes
                        Viewing processes by attributes
                        Viewing/finding processes by attribute values
                        Sorting processes
                        Customizing the display
                        Including or excluding attributes in status labels
                Searching for a process
                Changing the priority of a process
                Signaling a process
        Troubleshooting SCOadmin
                SCOadmin will not start
                Recovering from SCOadmin failures in character mode
                Remote administration problems
                SCOadmin error trace
                The SCOadmin event log
                        Understanding the SCOadmin event log
                        Using the SCOadmin Event Logs Manager

Performing basic system monitoring and tuning
        Using the System Information Manager
        Using the Login Session Viewer or the who command
        Using the System Time Manager
        Using the System Monitor
                Managing log data
                Setting System Monitor alarms
                Setting System Monitor options
                Customizing System Monitor colors
                        Setting colors using the sysmonitor file
                        Setting colors using the .sys_mon file
        Using the System Tuner
        Checking and clearing system log files
                Using the System Logs Manager
                Clearing system log files from the command line
                Clearing log files automatically
        Using the Reports Manager
                Reporting password status
                Reporting user login activity
                Making list selections
                Enabling or disabling system accounting
                Viewing system accounting reports
                Checking file security
        Communicating with users
                Message of the day
                The wall command
        Changing the maximum allowed file size (ulimit)
                Considerations for large files
        Managing swap space
        Managing processors and processes
                Licensing multiple processors
                Using the Processor Manager
                Displaying processor information (psrinfo)
                Taking processors on/off-line (psradm)
                Binding processes to processors (pbind)
                Placing processors in an exclusive binding mode (pexbind)

Using the system console and non-graphical displays
        Using multiscreens
                Reducing the number of multiscreens
                Multiscreens and multiple video adapters
        Using the console screen protection feature
        Changing non-graphical video fonts
        Controlling non-graphical color displays with setcolor
                Changing the foreground and background colors
                Changing reverse video colors
                Changing the screen border color
                Sounding the keyboard bell
                Resetting the screen
        Setting the console keyboard type
                Switching keyboard modes manually
                Changing modes permanently
        Using serial multiscreens with mscreen
                Adding pseudo-ttys
                mscreen troubleshooting
                Advanced mscreen configuration
