conv --
common object file converter
conv [-a] [-o] [-p] [-s] -t target [- | files ]
command converts object files
in the Common Object File Format (COFF)
from their current byte ordering to the byte ordering of the target machine.
The converted file is written to file.v.
conv can be used on either
the source (sending) or target (receiving) machine.
Command line options are:
Read the names of files from standard input.
If the input file is an archive, produce the output
file in the System V Release 2.0 portable archive format.
If the input file is an archive, produce the output
file in the old (pre-System V) archive format.
If the input file is an archive, produce the output
file in the System V Release 1.0 random access archive format.
``Pre-swab'' all characters in the object file.
This is useful only for 3B20 computer object files
which are to be ``swab-dumped'' from a DEC
machine to a 3B20 computer.
-t target-
Convert the object file to the byte ordering of the machine
(target) to which the object file is being shipped.
This may be another host or a target machine.
Allowed values for target are:
pdp, vax, ibm, x86, b16, n3b, mc68, and m32.
The conv command eases the problems
of a multi-host, cross-compilation development environment.
This command is best used within a
procedure for shipping object files from one machine to another.
The conv command recognizes and produces
archive files in three formats:
the pre-System V format
the System V Release 1.0 random access format
the System V Release 2.0 portable ASCII format
By default, conv creates the output
archive file in the same format as the input file.
To produce an output file in a different format than
the input file, use the -a, -o, or -p options.
If the output archive format is the same as the input
format, the archive symbol table is converted;
otherwise the symbol table is stripped from the archive.
Use the
command with its
-t and
-s options
on the target machine to recreate the archive symbol table.
Exit values
The exit status of conv is 0 on success and
positive on failure.
The diagnostics are self-explanatory.
Fatal diagnostics on the command lines cause termination.
Fatal diagnostics on an input file
make the program skip to the next input file.
The conv command does not convert archives
from one format to another if both the source and
target machines have the same byte ordering.
Use the system tool
for this purpose.
See also
Standards conformance
is not part of any
currently supported standard;
it is an extension of AT&T System V
that is maintained by The SCO Group.
© 2005 Commands for Programming (CP)
SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 02 June 2005