Configuring window manager key bindings

Default key bindings

The key bindings that are provided with your system are referred to as default key bindings. Most default key bindings define the basic functionality of the window manager.

All key bindings are located in the /usr/lib/X11/system.pmwmrc file (for pmwm mode) or the /usr/lib/X11/system.mwmrc file (for mwm mode) in the Keys section type. The default bindings are defined by a set named ``DefaultKeyBindings.'' System administrators can customize the functionality of some button bindings and make system-wide changes by editing this file. Users can customize the functionality of key bindings in their local environment by copying the appropriate system-wide window manager configuration file to either .pmwmrc (for pmwm mode) or .mwmrc (for mwm mode) in their $HOME directory. Customizing default bindings is discussed in more detail in ``Configuring key bindings''.

The entries in the ``DefaultKeyBindings'' section of the system-wide window manager configuration file look similar to these:

   Keys  DefaultKeyBindings
              .                 .                  .
       Shift<Key>Escape  icon|window          f.post_wmenu
       Alt<Key>space     icon|window          f.post_wmenu
              .                 .                  .
              .                 .                  .

Each line represents a key binding. A key binding consists of a key press action (such as Shift<Key>Escape), the window manager context in which the action is valid (such as icon or window), and the function the key press provides (such as f.post_wmenu). Key press actions, contexts, and functions are discussed in more detail later in this chapter.

``Default key bindings'' lists the default key bindings.[1]

Default key bindings

Key action Context Function
Shift<Key>Escape icon|window f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>space icon|window f.post_wmenu
Alt<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Tab root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.next_key
Alt Shift<Key>Escape root|icon|window f.prev_key
Alt Ctrl Shift<Key>exclam root|icon|window f.set_behavior
Alt<Key>F6 window f.next_key transient
Alt<Key>Left root|icon|window f.pan_activescreen left 100
Alt<Key>Right root|icon|window f.pan_activescreen right 100
Alt<Key>Up root|icon|window f.pan_activescreen up 100
Alt<Key>Down root|icon|window f.pan_activescreen down 100
Alt<Key>Home root|icon|window f.set_activescreen home
Alt<Key>End root|icon|window f.set_activescreen "-0-0"
Alt<Key>minus root|icon|window f.toggle_autopan
Alt<Key>F2 window f.identify
Alt<Key>F2 root f.identify

See also:


A context of icon indicates window manager icons, not icons on the Desktop.

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Previous topic: Configuring window manager key bindings

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