SCO Window Manager

Customizing the window manager
        Selecting between SCO Panner and OSF/Motif modes
        Creating a personal window manager configuration file
        Examining the window manager configuration file
        Using window manager functions
                Function descriptions
                Function constraints

Customizing window manager menus
        About window manager menus
        Adding or modifying window manager menus
                        Step 1: Editing a window manager configuration file
                        Step 2: Starting a new menu
                        Step 3: Creating menu items
                        Step 4: Specifying how to access the new menu
                        Step 5: Restarting the window manager
        Changing the menu associated with the window menu button
                        Step 1: Editing the resource file
                        Step 2: Setting the windowMenu resource
                        Step 3: Modifying other Window menu resources
                        Step 4: Restarting the window manager
        Example of creating a window manager submenu

Configuring window manager button bindings
        Default button bindings
                About window manager functions
        Configuring button bindings
                        Step 1: Editing a window manager configuration file
                        Step 2: Locating the button binding section
                        Step 3: Configuring the button binding specification
                        Step 4: Configuring the function specification
                        Step 5: Configuring the context specification
                        Step 6: Restarting the window manager
        Creating a new button binding set
                        Step 1: Editing a window manager configuration file
                        Step 2: Locating the DefaultButtonBindings section
                        Step 3: Defining button, function, and context specifications
                        Step 4: Specifying the buttonBindings resource
                        Step 5: Restarting the window manager
        Example of creating a new button set

Configuring window manager key bindings
        Default key bindings
                About mnemonics and accelerators
                About window manager functions
        Configuring key bindings
                        Step 1: Editing a window manager configuration file
                        Step 2: Locating the key binding section
                        Step 3: Configuring the key binding specification
                        Step 4: Configuring the function specification
                        Step 5: Configuring the context specification
                        Step 6: Restarting the window manager
        Creating a new key binding set
                        Step 1: Editing a window manager configuration file
                        Step 2: Locating the DefaultKeyBindings section
                        Step 3: Defining key, function, and context specifications
                        Step 4: Specifying the keyBindings resource
                        Step 5: Restarting the window manager
        Example of configuring key bindings

OSF/Motif window manager resources
                Resources for configuring window focus policies
                Resource for specifying window manager fonts
                Resources for coloring windows, icons, menus, and mattes
                Resources for shading windows, icons, menus, and mattes
                Resources for window decorations
                Resources for controlling window size and position
                Resources for configuring window manager icons
                Resources for configuring the icon box
                Other resources for controlling windows
