OSF/Motif window manager resources

Resources for configuring window focus policies

The following resources control colormap and keyboard input focus policies:

Focus policy resources

Name Class Value Type Default
autoKeyFocus AutoKeyFocus true/false true
autoRaiseDelay AutoRaiseDelay milliseconds 500
colormapFocusPolicy ColormapFocusPolicy string keyboard
deiconifyKeyFocus DeiconifyKeyFocus true/false true
enforceKeyFocus EnforceKeyFocus true/false true
execshell ExecShell string null
focusAutoRaise FocusAutoRaise true/false true
keyboardFocusPolicy KeyboardFocusPolicy string explicit
passButtons PassButtons true/false false
passSelectButton PassSelectButton true/false true
raiseKeyFocus RaiseKeyFocus true/false false
startupKeyFocus StartupKeyFocus true/false true
xGranularity XGranularity pixels 0
yGranularity YGranularity pixels 0

These resources are described in more detail below:

autoKeyFocus (Class: AutoKeyFocus)
This resource applies only when the keyboardFocusPolicy resource is set to ``explicit.'' This resource controls what happens to the focus when the current active window is iconified. If the autoKeyFocus resource is ``true,'' the focus automatically goes to the window that previously had the focus. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

autoRaiseDelay (Class: AutoRaiseDelay)
If the focusAutoRaise resource is ``true'' and the keyboardFocusPolicy resource is set to ``pointer,'' the autoRaiseDelay resource is read. This resource specifies the number of milliseconds the window manager should wait before raising a window (bringing the resource to the top of the stack of windows) once the window has received the input focus. The default is 500 milliseconds. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

colormapFocusPolicy (Class: ColormapFocusPolicy)
This resource controls the colormap focus for the window whose colormap is currently installed and used for displaying everything in a server. The colormapFocusPolicy resource can take one of the following three values:

To allow explicit selection of a colormap, assign a button or key to the function named f.focus_color. (See ``Customizing the window manager'' for more information on the f.focus_color function.) The default value of the colormapFocusPolicy resource is ``keyboard.'' (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

deiconifyKeyFocus (Class: DeiconifyKeyFocus)
If this resource is set to ``true'' and keyboardFocusPolicy is ``explicit,'' a window receives input focus when it is deiconified, or converted to normal size from an icon. The default value is ``true.'' (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

enforceKeyFocus (Class: EnforceKeyFocus)
If this resource is ``true,'' the window manager sets the input focus to a selected window even if it is a globally active window (a window that can be operated without setting focus to it.) If the resource is ``false,'' input focus is not set to any globally active window (such as a scroll bar). This resource is ``true'' by default. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

execshell (Class: ExecShell)
This resource indicates the shell that the window manager uses when it executes a new client. The possible shells values are ``/bin/sh'', ``/bin/ksh'', and ``/bin/csh''. The default value is ``null'', which specifies to execute a client from the user's home shell. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

focusAutoRaise (Class: FocusAutoRaise)
If this resource is ``true,'' the window manager raises a window to the top of the stacking order when the window receives the input focus. The default value depends on the keyboardFocusPolicy resource, but in most cases is ``true''. If keyboardFocusPolicy is ``explicit,'' focusAutoRaise is set to ``true''; otherwise, focusAutoRaise is toggled to ``false.'' However, you can assign a ``true'' or ``false'' value to this resource yourself, regardless of the value keyboardFocusPolicy is using. (This is a client-specific resource.)

keyboardFocusPolicy (Class: KeyboardFocusPolicy)
This resource specifies how the window manager should assign the input focus to a window, so the window with the input focus receives your keystrokes. This resource can take one of two values:

The default setting for keyboardFocusPolicy is ``explicit.'' (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

passButtons (Class: PassButtons)
If this resource is ``true,'' the window manager passes button-press events to the client, even after the events are used for some window manager functions. The default value is ``false.'' The window manager does not forward button-press events that it uses for window management functions. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

passSelectButton (Class: PassSelectButton)
This resource indicates whether a button-press that assigns input focus to a window is passed as an event to that window. By default this resource is ``true,'' which means that the window manager passes the button-press event to the window after giving the keyboard focus to that window. This resource applies only when keyboardFocusPolicy is ``explicit,'' because this is the only case that requires you to transfer input focus by clicking on a window. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

raiseKeyFocus (Class: RaiseKeyFocus)
This resource is available only when the keyboardFocusPolicy resource is set to ``explicit.'' When this resource is ``true,'' it specifies that a window raised by the f.normalize_and_raise function also receives the input focus. The default value is ``false.'' (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

startupKeyFocus (Class: StartupKeyFocus)
If this resource is ``true'' and keyboardFocusPolicy is set to ``explicit,'' the window manager transfers input focus to a window when it is mapped. This resource is ``true'' by default. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

xGranularity (Class: XGranularity)
This resource indicates where your window will be redrawn when you move the sides of it to a non-standard location on the background. This feature improves the redraw rate of your window. The new location is specified as a value (x) that represents the number of horizontal pixels that comprise an interval between standard redraw locations. For example, if you move your window to horizontal pixel number 15 and the xGranularity resource is set to ``9,'' the window is redrawn at pixel number 18, the nearest location that is a multiple of 9. The default value is ``0''. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

yGranularity (Class: YGranularity)
This resource indicates where your window will be redrawn when you move either the top or bottom to a non-standard location on the background. This feature improves the redraw rate of your window. The new location is specified as a value (y) that represents the number of vertical pixels that comprise an interval between standard redraw locations. For example, if you move your window to vertical pixel number 7 and the xGranularity resource is set to ``3,'' the window is redrawn at pixel number 6, the nearest location that is a multiple of 3. The default value is ``0''. (This is a specific appearance and behavior resource.)

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SCO OpenServer Release 6.0.0 -- 26 May 2005