Monitoring and tuning the system

Performance Tuning OSR6 for OSR5 Users
        Tuning CPU resources
                Hyperthreading and Multiple Core Processors
                Process Scheduling
                CPU and Scheduling Related Tunable Parameters
        Tuning Memory Resources
                Viewing physical memory, swap space, and KMA usage
                Tuning memory-bound systems
                Increasing memory by reducing the buffer cache size
                Investigating memory usage by system tables
                Using graphical clients on low memory systems
                Tuning X server performance
                        Kernel parameters that affect the X Window System
        Tuning I/O resources
                Subsystems that affect disk and other I/O
                How the buffer cache works
                Viewing buffer cache activity
                Increasing disk I/O throughput by increasing the buffer cache size
                How the DNLC works
                Viewing DNLC activity
                Reducing disk I/O by increasing the size of the DNLC cache
                Viewing disk and other block I/O activity
                Identifying disk I/O-bound systems
                Tuning disk I/O-bound systems
                SCSI disk driver request queue (obsolete)
                Filesystem factors affecting disk performance
                Overcoming performance limitations of hard disks
                Serial device resources
        Tuning networking resources
                STREAMS resources
                Monitoring STREAMS performance
                Tuning STREAMS usage
                TCP/IP resources
                Tuning TCP/IP performance
                Monitoring TCP/IP performance
                        Configuring TCP/IP daemons for performance
                        Tuning SLIP performance
                        Tuning PPP performance
                        Testing network connectivity
                        Configuring network topology for performance
                        Configuring routing for performance
                        Configuring DNS name service for performance
                NFS resources
                        Performance considerations when using NIS
        Tuning system call activity
                Viewing system call activity
                Identifying excessive read and write system call activity
                Viewing process fork and exec activity
                Viewing IPC activity
                        Semaphore resources
                        Messages and message queue resources
                        Shared memory resources
                Reducing system call activity
        Tools reference
                df -- report disk space usage
                ps -- check process activity
                sar -- system activity reporter
                        How sar works
                        Running sar
                swap -- check and add swap space
                timex -- examine system activity per command
                virtual memory statistics
        Configuring TCP/IP tunable parameters
                Using ifconfig to change parameters for a network card
                Using inconfig to change global TCP/IP parameters

Managing system performance
        Managing and improving system performance
                Managing CPU resources
                        Balancing system work loads
                        Detecting runaway processes
                        Monitoring user PATH variables
                        Identifying heavily loaded system resources
                Managing disk resource usage
                        Managing disk space
                        Monitoring filesystem use
                        Balancing filesystem space: moving user directories
                        Controlling directory size
                        Selecting a filesystem type
                        Selecting a logical block size for a vxfs filesystem
        Monitoring system performance
                Real-time performance monitor (rtpm)
                Disk usage reports
                System performance analysis tools
        System activity reporting
                Reporting application turnaround with timex
        Kernel profiling
                Loading the system profiler (prfld)
                Enabling and disabling the sampling mechanism (prfstat)
                Collecting profiling data (prfdc, prfsnap)
                Formatting the collected data (prfpr)
        Displaying and changing parameters
        Investigating performance problems
                Outline of typical troubleshooting procedure
                Samples of performance management procedures
                        Checking for excess swapping
                        Checking for disk slowdowns
                        Checking for modem interrupts
                        Checking for table overflows
                        Analyzing disk resources
                        Analyzing memory resource usage
                        Shifting the workload to off-hours
                Investigating network troubles
        Advanced system performance issues
                Identifying demand loaded DLKMs
                Identifying scheduling problems
                Adjusting filesystem parameters
                Adjusting CPU resource parameters
                Adjusting stack overflow parameters
                Adjusting kernel virtual segments for large mappings
                Configuring the Dedicated Memory feature
                Configuring Dynamically Mapped Shared Memory (DSHM)
        Managing large files
        Managing Large Physical Memory
                Configuring your system for Large Physical Memory
                Configuring swap space for systems with Large Physical Memory
                Configuring dump space for systems with large physical memory
        Quick reference guide to managing performance

Managing dynamically loadable kernel modules
        Static modules
        Types of dynamically loadable kernel modules
        Obtaining information about DLKMs
                Determining if a module can be configured as a DLKM
                Determining if a DLKM needs to be configured
                Determining which DLKMs are currently loaded
                Obtaining more information about a specific loaded DLKM
        Configuring a dynamically loadable kernel module
                Configuring one DLKM
                Reconfiguring the entire kernel including all DLKMs
        Loading modules
                Automatic loading of a DLKM
                Demand loading a DLKM
                Demand loading DLKMs from a nondefault directory
                Resetting the loadable modules search path
        Unloading modules
                Automatic unloading
                Demand unloading a DLKM

Configuring kernel parameters
        About tunable parameters
                Autotuned parameters
                Special case tuning needs
                Kernel messages about exceeding system limits
        Parameter descriptions and values
                Device driver parameters
                Direct memory access (DMA) parameters
                Dynamically loadable kernel module (DLKM) parameters
                Filesystem parameters
                        Generic filesystem parameters
                        Buffer cache parameters
                        CDFS filesystem parameters
                        DOSFS filesystem parameters
                        MEMFS filesystem parameters
                        NFS filesystem parameters
                        VXFS filesystem parameters
                Inter-process communication (IPC) parameters
                        Message queue parameters
                        Semaphore parameters
                        Shared memory parameters
                I/O parameters
                        Asynchronous I/O parameters
                Keyboard mapping (KBD) parameters
                Kernel debugger (KDB) parameters
                Kernel memory allocator (KMA) parameters
                Networking parameters
                        Address resolution protocol (ARP) parameters
                        Compaq Netflex token ring parameters
                        Internet control message protocol version 4 (ICMPv4) parameters
                        Internet group management protocol version 2 (IGMP) parameters
                        Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) parameters
                        Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) parameters
                        User datagram protocol (UDP) parameters
                Process limit parameters
                        General process limit parameters
                        Resource limit (rlimit) parameters
                Processor cache affinity parameters
                Security parameters
                        Audit parameters
                        Console security parameters
                        General security parameters
                        SUM privilege parameters
                STREAMS parameters
                Timer and scheduler parameters
                Virtual memory (VM) parameters
                        Aging parameters
                        Dedicated memory parameters
                        Kernel virtual address space parameters
                        Page size extension parameters
                        Paging parameters
                        Segment driver parameters
                        Swapping parameters
                        Database management parameters
                Miscellaneous parameters

Process scheduling
        Overview of the process scheduler
                Time-Sharing class
                Fixed class
                Fixed priority class
                System class
                Effect of priority on swapping
        Configuring the scheduler
                Default global priorities
                Tunable parameters
                Time-Sharing parameter table ts_dptbl
                Fixed priority parameter table fp_dptbl
                Fixed class parameter table fc_dptbl
                Kernel-mode parameter table ts_kmdpris
                Changing scheduler configuration
                        Removing a scheduler class
                        Installing a Time-Sharing scheduler class
                        Installing a fixed class scheduler class
                        Installing a fixed priority scheduler class
        Changing scheduler parameters with dispadmin
        Managing processors and processes
                Taking processors online and offline
                Binding processes to processors
                Placing processors in an exclusive binding mode
